Take The Help That Is Offered

My niece is about to become a single parent. This wasn’t planned, she and the father split up before she found out she was pregnant. Not an ideal situation by any means but one she fully intends to take responsibility for. My heart goes out to her, I know what it’s like and I didn’t have to do it from Hailey’s birth. There are so many things I want to tell her, ways to make it easier but the biggest thing I can say is don’t try to do it alone. So often we are so proud and don’t want … Continue reading

Help Your Child Relax

In a recent study researchers found that over half of 7 to 9 year olds were feeling stressed. Those with divorced parents experience additional stress as they are going between homes and trying to balance all of the other little things in their young lives. As parents we want our children to be happy and enjoy life without getting bogged down by the pressures of everyday life. We need to create an atmosphere in our home that encourages our children to relax and enjoy being little. Don’t overschedule your children. While you want your children to stay busy and be … Continue reading

Helping Your Child Through Divorce

We’ve all heard how damaging the effects of divorce can be on children, but are they really any worse off than children who come from the traditional two parent families? Not necessarily. Studies have found that it’s not so much the divorce that is affecting children, it is how the divorce is handled. If you are in constant turmoil with your ex, of course it is going to have an effect on your children. On the other hand, a married couple experiencing the same turmoil, is likely to pass on the same adverse effects to their children. Divorce is hard … Continue reading

How Premarital Counseling Might Help Marriages

What comes next? The other week one of the local radio station’s morning talk program held a discussion on marriage. A young engaged woman called in. She said that she signed herself and her fiance up for premarital counseling. She did so, she claimed, because her husband-to-be doesn’t know anything about what a modern marriage ought to be like. Her beloved was raised by his socially conservative grandmother. Now that they’re approaching their married life it came out that he believes she will do all of the work around the house and take care of the kids. We’ve looked at … Continue reading

Special Needs Podcast Roundup – Week of March 12, 2012

Every week, the Special Needs Podcast Roundup scours the internet to bring you brand new episodes of podcasts that discuss things that are relevant to parents of kids who have special needs. This makes it easy for you to quickly find an interesting podcast to listen to, whenever you have the time. The Mayo Clinic has an episode of “Medical Edge Radio” that was released on March 7, 2012. This episode is called “Why Not Hearing Aids?” This episode features Mayo Clinic Dr. David Hawkins. He discuses when it might be time to consider getting hearing aids. Hold the Gluten … Continue reading

Help Your Child Stay Safe

One of the worst things about becoming a single parent was that Hailey became a latch key kid for the first time. I worried constantly, you only have to watch the news for a few minutes to see all the danger that lurks outside of your door, and if you check the National Sex Offender Registry it becomes even more frightening. After the divorce we lived in an apartment for the first time in Hailey’s life, she went from being driven to school and picked up by her day care bus to being responsible for herself before and after school. … Continue reading

Sometimes I Need a Time-Out Too!

As a single parent it isn’t uncommon to feel like you’ve bitten off more than you could chew. It’s a lot to take on and there’s no one there to pick up the slack. I often find myself taking on more than I can handle. I push myself to the limit and throw myself into complete and utter chaos because somewhere along the line I convinced myself that I had to be supermom. Maybe it was because I felt guilty for getting divorced. Maybe it was because I was trying to prove that I wasn’t a failure. Either way, I’ve … Continue reading

The “Help” Moment

Last night was a late night for us. It seemed like the entire universe was combined against us to make sure we didn’t get to bed on time. We did finally make it to bed, but within a few hours my three year old woke up screaming. He was still thoroughly exhausted and try as I might, I could not get him to tell me what was wrong. Was he in pain? Did he have a bad dream? Was he scared? Did he wet the bed? I couldn’t figure it out. As I sat in bed holding him I felt … Continue reading

Helping Your Child Deal With Bullying

Kids can be just plain cruel these days and it is only getting worse. It seems they are finding the silliest things to tease each other about. Just this week my cousin was complaining that the kids were bullying her daughter for having red hair. Of all things to be teased about! This little girl is beautiful, but her self-esteem has been crushed by the mean things that the other kids are saying at school every day. How can we expect our children to go to school every day when they don’t feel safe there? The whole situation breaks my … Continue reading

The Other Side of Single Parenting

There are many different ways one can come into single parenting. The majority of my blogs are focused on the divorce aspect of single parenting, but today I’d like to look at the other side. I teach Sunday School at my church. My class is full of five year olds, all of whom come from single parent families. I knew this going in, but hadn’t really thought much about how each child came into this situation. Most, like my own son, have experienced the divorce of their parents, which is difficult in and of itself, but one explained to me … Continue reading