For the Strength of Youth Series: Sexual Purity

Intimacy between a husband and wife is a beautiful thing. It can bind you together in a way that strengthens you both and solidifies your relationship. It is both an expression of love and the means for the creation of children—both of which are amazing blessings. But intimacy outside of marriage is damaging to both relationships and to individuals emotionally and mentally which is why Latter-day saints place such an emphasis on staying sexually pure. The For the Strength of Youth pamphlet outlines some of the guidelines for Latter-day Saints of all ages. Being sexually pure is required for entering … Continue reading

“Little Children” and The Loveless Marriage

When I got home last night, my husband was upstairs, still putting the kids to bed. It sounded pretty quiet, but there was still a sleepy mumble or two coming from the bedrooms. I decided to stay downstairs until I knew the kids were asleep, in order not to rouse them. There wasn’t enough time to do much else that wouldn’t make noise, so I grabbed a basket of laundry to fold and popped on the television. A movie was on called Little Children. It seemed pretty interesting, but I soon learned that the main character was in the middle … Continue reading

TV and Marriage

Is TV affecting the state of our marriages today? This was a question Mick posed when we were watching a TV show recently. His comment was ‘maybe people see so much of this sort of thing on TV with so many marriages breaking up so easily or being abusive and negative situations that they think that’s what marriage is.’ It’s a fair comment. For example can you think of any current TV show that presents a happily married couple that is in a loving and stable long term marriage? Off hand I can’t think of one. Turn on practically any … Continue reading

Why You Need to Build a Hedge Around Your Marriage

If you have read my previous posts about building a hedge around your marriage, then forgive me. I think it is just such an important subject in this day and age that more needs to be said. Our marriages can be made vulnerable by outside influences. Building a hedge around your marriage means that although you can look over and see what is going on in the world, you still maintain an active form of protection that keeps those negative influences and temptations away. The hedge encompasses yourself and your spouse. Think of this hedge as an investment that will … Continue reading

Love and Marriage That Lasts

Can you imagine being married to the same person for 80 years? As you know, I always love finding stories of long marriages that have stood the test of time. So this week I couldn’t resist sharing the story of two marriages that have stood the test of time. Interestingly both marriages are from the same family. Is there a correlation between those two facts? I’d like to think that one has impacted on the other. The first is Lilla and Carmelo Scarcella who met when Lilla was 15. Despite opposition from parents and an enforced wait because of compulsory … Continue reading

How Temptation Changes After Marriage

People, men especially, assume that once they are in a marriage, all temptation miraculously goes away. Of course this isn’t true. The temptation changes, lessens in certain areas of course, but may still be there, depending on the individual. Whatever your moral compass, you must have been set with some sort of temptation previous to marriage, whether it was cheating on a girlfriend or boyfriend, or creating an emotional bond that might not have been appropriate. Once married though, temptation can get more complicated. For example, is hugging ever a temptation? You might not ordinarily think so, but perhaps your … Continue reading

Early Sexual Activity in Children and Teens Linked to TV Viewing

How young is too young for sexual activity? In my house it was any time before marriage, but the reality is that teens and even children are sexual active way before they or their parents are ready. Some kids as young as nine years old are taking the initiative to experiment with sexual activity, although thankfully this isn’t the norm. As scary as this is, it is important for parents to understand the various reasons behind early sexual activity. A recent study at the Children’s Hospital of Boston may offer at least one clue about early sexual activity and adolescence. … Continue reading

Models of Marriage

Whether we are aware of it or not we see models of marriage every day all around us. Whether consciously or sub consciously we and our children are absorbing input about the models of marriage we see presented to us. We see models of marriage in the celebrity world. We see models of marriage in the news, like those in the blogs of the last few days. It might be models of marriage of friends or people we know. We might read self help books and tips by experts that tell us how to improve our marriage. Or perhaps we … Continue reading

What Sort of Marriage Is This?

This wasn’t the piece I had started for today but when I saw a news article, I couldn’t help but be astounded, outraged, sickened, horrified at what had happened in one marriage. How could any man do such a thing to his wife? What happened to love honor and cherish? Where are all the things we have been talking about in this blog site like mutual love, respect, acts of kindness, thoughtfulness, consideration, and encouragement? None of them are there. If you haven’t read the article, it is about a man who arranged through an on line list for someone … Continue reading

Why Taking Care of Yourself Can Boost Your Sex Life

When you take care of yourself you are helping your marriage, especially when it comes to sex. Work, kids, the house, the in laws. All of these things demand attention, and there are only so many hours in the day to get done what needs to be done. Very often, married couples collapse into bed exhausted at the end of the day. There is always someone else’s needs to be met. We over stress ourselves, skip exercising and live on a diet of caffeine and leftover chicken nuggets from the kids. The problem is that when we don’t take care … Continue reading