Marriage Week in Review: March 10- March 16

Courtney and I both hit the writing process pretty hard this week. We have many topics and articles that have been discussed. There is sure to at least one that will spark your interest. Check out below for a list from the week. Monday, March 10 More Recent Stats on Long Marriages, Part 2 – The Stats In this article Courtney continued her discussion on the stats for long marriages that she discovered. Tuesday, March 11 A Wife’s Public Embarrassment: Dina Matos Sympathizes with Silda Spitzer’s Plight Courtney took on the topic of how it must feel to be the … Continue reading

What Kind of Wife…

I’m attributing this title to Jade Walker, who gave me the idea from a PM she wrote to me about the Eliot Spitzer prostitution ring scandal. I’m sure you’ve already thought of this…But what kind of woman stands by her man when he publicly acknowledges using the services of a high-priced call girl? What kind of woman stands by her man when he’s outed via extortion? What kind of woman stands by her man when an affair with an intern is revealed…to the world? And what kind of message does this send to other wives (and their daughters)? ~-Jade Walker-~ … Continue reading

The Psychology of Why Married Men Cheat, Part 2

In Part 1 I presented some of the reasons the panelists interviewed on Today posed as reasons for why men cheat. Here are the rest. The “Me First” Mentality Jeff Gardere, the psychologist (and the only man on the panel), brought this one up, Dr. Laura seconded it, and Helen Fisher nodded in agreement: men are weak and selfish. I definitely believe this one. Sure, there are some women who can be considered high maintenance, but all men are –no matter how simple they may seem. Admit it, ladies. You may have the greatest guy in the world, but he … Continue reading

The Psychology of Why Married Men Cheat, Part 1

In addition to Matt Lauer interviewing Dina Matos on Today this morning about New York Governor Eliot Spitzer’s prostitution sting scandal, they also brought in a panel of experts (Dr. Laura Schlessinger, anthropologist Helen Fisher, and psychologist Jeff Gardere) to examine why men cheat. (Men in general as well as men in high places.) They focused on men because they’re more inclined to do it than women. The statistic they presented was that one in five married men have cheated. (Compared to only 12 percent of married women having cheated.) So why is it men are more prone to it? … Continue reading