Time to Vote?

There are still a few hours left before the polls close for this election. If you haven’t gotten out there to vote, go now! As a single mom I know it is hard to find time to do much of anything, and the thought of dragging your kids along to wait in the long voting lines is less than exciting, but it is our duty as citizens of the United States to exercise this right. It affects the lives of us and our children. Living in a largely republican state, I have often passed on my right to vote, feeling … Continue reading

Fitness Doldrums

Fitness doldrums…they are likely to hit anyone who engages in an exercise program for any length of time. They can hit you early on or not until later. But they are a common reason for people to lose motivation. You lost your zest, your energy. It becomes boring and monotonous. You start to wonder if it’s really making any difference. One of the common reasons for fitness doldrums to hit is because you have reached your plateau. You can only go up but you choose to remain where you are. Perhaps it’s just a matter of challenging yourself? You walk … Continue reading

Avoid the Bedtime Battle

Daylight saving time ends in the wee hours of Sunday morning. For many parents, the occasion can be bittersweet. While “falling back” yields an extra hour to spend however you desire, it can also mean extra-tired kids whose bodies don’t acclimate well to time changes. My daughter is a warrior when it comes to bedtime. The kid fights off sleep like a Roman gladiator. She’s Spartacus, sleep is the enemy, and I have to suffer through the nightly battle. Add in the whole turn-your-clocks-back-an-hour business and things can get rough. Fortunately, there are ways you can avoid going to war … Continue reading

Combating Cardio Obstacles

I will admit that I don’t particularly enjoy a cardio workout. I prefer standing still movements, like plies or on the floor exercises. The truth is that I’m not a fan of intense (or even moderate) movement. But I force myself to do it (although, not as much as I should). The reason is because cardio has so many benefits. First of all, it helps with weight loss. It gives you more energy and can reduce stress levels. But it also has tremendous health benefits, such as reducing your risk of chronic diseases. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that … Continue reading

Sweet Treats

Sunday is National Dessert Day. If you are looking for a reason to indulge on a decadent treat, you have a great excuse. However, if you are a parent, you have an even better reason to spend time bonding with your child in the kitchen. Kids love to exercise their creative muscles making edible masterpieces. Give them the opportunity to hone their culinary skills by assisting them with the following simple recipe. Then, take it a step further by using the special day to give them your full attention. Chat, laugh and make merry while splurging on these chocolate goodies. … Continue reading

Let Them Eat Chocolate

I’ve confessed to my “Mommy addiction” in previous posts. It’s not Downton Abbey, Facebook or expensive leather handbags (though, I wouldn’t balk if Santa happened to leave a Hermes Birkin bag under the tree this Christmas). Rather, my obsession is much higher in calories: Nature Valley Dark Chocolate Granola Thins. A.K.A. Crunchy crack. Crispy, chocolatey, OOOOHHH-EMMM-GEEE! drool-on-your-keyboard crack. Don’t let the name fool you; the granola part is just a guise. The fact is; I’m all about the chocolate. I love me some chocolate… and so does my 8-year-old. Unfortunately, as parents we’re supposed to set good examples, so eating … Continue reading

What You Shouldn’t Do

While there are some things you should always do when it comes to fitness, there are many things you shouldn’t. I talk a lot about starting off small, working your way into an exercise program and changing things up. But today we are going to look at some things you shouldn’t do. For instance, you should never skip breakfast. Experts have been saying it for years. It is one of the most important meals of the day. It can provide just the energy you need, as it kick starts your metabolism. I like to exercise in the morning but I’m … Continue reading

All You Need Is 30 Minutes a Day

When it comes to exercise, is more of it better? You may sometimes question whether or not the recommended 30 minutes a day of exercise is beneficial. I know a few people who don’t believe this because they don’t feel satisfied unless they have gotten in 45 to 60 minutes of exercise. For some reason, the 30 minutes can feel like it’s not enough. Well, a small study says differently. Whether you exercise for 30 or 60 minutes a day, you end up losing the same amount of weight. I think it’s the mindset that if you work out more, … Continue reading

More Mobile Baby Part II

With my daughter’s increased crawling abilities, also came several other mobile developments. First came the easy transition from crawling to sitting. She would crawl across the room to retrieve a toy and then sit back to play with it. Then something new would catch her attention and she would be off again to get the next thing. She very quickly learned to manipulate her body to get access to a number of things that would catch her eye. Soon she was sitting, kneeling, crawling, and sometimes even walk crawling (on her hands and feet) especially when she was on a … Continue reading

The Many Benefits of Walking

A couple of weeks ago my husband and I decided to take a walk by the lakefront in our hometown of Milwaukee. The reason had less to do with exercise and more about getting out of the house. We had just experienced our firstborn child leaving the home. He left for basic training in Texas with the Air Force. We were left with a lot of mixed feelings. Dealing with our emotions was difficult. At times we were even at odds with each other, which is why my husband suggested a walk by the lake. For some reason being away … Continue reading