Understanding the Language of Breastfeeding

I’ve said it more than once in this blog; the time to learn about breastfeeding is when you are still pregnant. Trying to read through the breastfeeding books when you are exhausted and dealing with a newborn will leave you in tears. Spend some time during your pregnancy taking breastfeeding class, reading books and visiting a La Leche League meeting. When you spend time preparing in advance, you will feel more confident. If an issue does arise, you will probably remember reading about it and will be more likely to feel confident handling the situation. This blog contains some of … Continue reading

Help! I Don’t Have Enough Milk!

The actual number of women who medically cannot produce enough milk for their babies is very, very rare. Why then does it seem that we all know at least a few women who for one reason or another had trouble producing enough milk to feed their children? Frequently what happens is that a mother has trouble and is never really given the necessary support to continue producing milk effectively. The bottom line is that the less your baby nurses, the less milk you will produce. Supply and Demand Breastfeeding is a supply and demand relationship. Your body produces the amount … Continue reading

Pacifiers – A good idea?

Does your baby use a pacifier? If so, then you’re not alone. All babies have a natural sucking instinct. Sometimes that need to suck goes beyond feeding time. That is when a baby will usually take to sucking on their fingers or on a pacifier. But are pacifiers safe? Does using them inhibit breastfeeding? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, you shouldn’t worry if your child sucks on a pacifier. As long as you follow the guidelines for purchasing and maintaining your child’s pacifiers, they are safe. Pacifier Recommendations: 1.Buy a one-piece pacifier with a soft nipple 2.Do not … Continue reading