Healthy Yogurt

Yogurt has a good reputation — and for a lot of good reasons. It is full of healthy calcium, stomach-friendly probiotics, and can taste as good as a sinful snack! Here are some tips to help you pick the healthiest yogurt: Choose yogurt that has 200 calories or less per serving. Yogurt is mostly milk, and one cup of fat-free milk has less than 90 calories. Don’t let the other ingredients overload you on calories! Choose yogurt that has four grams of fat or less. The total fat contact can often indicate what kind of milk was used in making … Continue reading

Magnesium and Health Issues

Magnesium is an essential mineral for good health. Research has suggested that it may play a role in managing major health issues! Magnesium and blood pressure: a clinical study called DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) found that high blood pressure could be lowered with a diet heavy in fruits, veggies, and low-fat dairy. That kind of diet is high in minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It’s hard to see the effects of magnesium alone — it is often present in foods that are high in fiber and potassium, too. But the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, … Continue reading

Why Does My Body Need Magnesium?

I’ve been a fan of magnesium since I read about a study about magnesium helping something like eighty percent of migraine sufferers find some relief. But this mineral does other good things for your body! Of all the minerals in your body, magnesium is the fourth most abundant. About half the magnesium in the human body is found in the bones; the other half is mostly found inside tissues and organs. About one percent of the magnesium in the body is found in the blood. So what does all that magnesium do? Helps the body maintain normal nerve and muscle … Continue reading

Help Your Bones Heal

Healing a broken bone doesn’t have to be just a waiting game — put on the cast and sit back to wait. There are some things you can do to help a bone heal after an injury. If you’re a smoker — STOP. Patients who smoke take a longer time to heal (on average) than those who do not. Smokers are also at higher risk of developing a nonunion — a bone that doesn’t heal correctly. Why? Smoking can alter the blood flow to your bones, depriving a healing area of necessary nutrients. Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Your body … Continue reading

How to Make Sure You Get Your Daily Calcium

A survey of Americans in the late 1990s found that many children and adults aren’t getting enough calcium! If you’re looking to get more of this essential mineral in your diet, here are some tips that might help. Try using low fat or fat free milk in place of water in recipes. Substitute milk when making pancakes, mashed potatoes, and hot breakfast cereals. Try making smoothies for breakfast or for a snack. Mix fresh or frozen fruit with low fat or fat free yogurt in a blender. Sprinkle grated cheese onto salads. Sprinkle grated cheese onto soups. Swap one soda … Continue reading

Why Does My Body Need Calcium?

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body — more than 99 percent of all calcium in your body is stored in the bones and teeth. Where is the rest of the calcium? It can be found throughout the body in your blood, muscles, and more. What does calcium do? The number one thing calcium does is support bone and tooth structure. Your bones are constantly breaking down and being rebuilt — the pace at which this happens changes throughout life. During childhood, your body does much more building and much less breaking down. In early and middle adulthood, … Continue reading

Guinea Pig Feeding

Guinea pigs — like people and many other animals — are happiest with a varied diet. Kristen brought this up when she succumbed to guinea pig mania — guinea pigs cannot manufacture vitamin C in their bodies. They NEED vitamin C supplements in order to stay healthy. Adult guinea pigs need between thirty and fifty milligrams of vitamin C per day. Experts suggest skipping the vitamin drops that can be added to water. Why? Vitamin drops may have other vitamins and minerals that your pigs don’t need. Some may potentially be toxic! Vitamin C deteriorates rapidly in water and light, … Continue reading

Eleven Citrus Fruits (and Why You Should Love Them!)

Don’t just limit yourself to oranges when it comes to citrus fruits. There’s a whole world of citrus fruits out there! Citrus fruits are in season through the beginning of spring — so go get your citrus boost now! Citrus fruits aren’t just conveyors of immune-boosting vitamin C. They also come with a ton of other health benefits. And speaking of vitamin C — remember that your body doesn’t store this vitamin. You need to eat it every day to replenish your stores. Blood oranges: the bright red flesh that gives this fruit its name also gives this fruit healthy, … Continue reading

Really Quick Health Boosters

Would you choose a healthier lifestyle if it only took you a minute (or less) to make a change? Here are some really quick things you can do to fight aging, ward off disease, boost your immune system, and more! Fight cancer in sixty seconds by taking the right supplements every day. Make sure you get enough calcium and vitamin D — studies show that these two supplements can make a big difference in your cancer risk. Vitamin D boosts your body’s immune response; a supplement will ensure that you get enough. The other way to get vitamin D is … Continue reading

What to Eat for Healthy Teeth

You can help keep your teeth healthy from the inside out — certain diet choices can help keep your choppers strong and shiny. Here are some tips to help protect your mouth against decay, disease, and more! Sugar isn’t the only thing that’s bad for your teeth — carbs can be just as damaging. After all, carbohydrates break down into simple sugars in your body. In your mouth, sugars are converted into plaque. That doesn’t mean you have to give up carbs! Just try to eat them only at mealtimes. Carbs are kind of sticky, so they tend to adhere … Continue reading