Scrapbooking Your Adoption Experience

Scrapbooking your adoption experience is not a whole lot different than scrapbooking your everyday life. You create a page in the same manner you would a traditional layout. However, because your adoption experiences are so special and unique, you might wish to commemorate them into a whole album dedicated solely to the experience, and use special journaling, poems or quotes. I am part of the adoption triad, I am an adoptee. I have a great relationship with both my adoptive mother, and my biological mother. Both women are included in my albums. However, my experiences with searching for my biological … Continue reading

We Are All New At Parenting

It’s such a beautiful day today. I took a walk around my neighborhood just enjoying the day, watching all the little ones out playing in the sunshine as their mom’s hovered close by. It’s so cute to watch people interact with their toddlers. We all try to reason and use logic and all that toddler can think is I. Want. it. Now. As I walked I saw one of the moms shoot me an embarrassed smile as her tiny little one threw a tantrum. I smiled back, thinking how hard we all are on ourselves as mothers. We want our … Continue reading

Three Things to Do on a Cloudy Day

Stuck at home with a cloudy day on your hands? Why not do one of the following activities? Take advantage of the weather and put those clouds to good use. The following three things work best when the forecast calls for a cloudy day. Enjoy! 1. Wash the windows. Professional cleaners know that the best time to wash windows is on a cloudy day. That is because direct sunlight can cause streaks when you are washing your windows. Have some cleaner and a good squeegee on hand for the best results. When the sunshine does come back, it will come … Continue reading

Spot Cleaning Tips

There are so many little things that can make your home feel dirty. No matter how clean it is if there are scuff marks on the linoleum and fingerprints on the door, the house feels dirty. Some of these things are easy to fix, a quick swipe with a wet cloth and the fingerprints are gone, and since it’s so quick, you can run around and grab all the doors. However, some things don’t go away so easily. Like scuff marks on the linoleum. If you have kids, you have scuff marks, sometimes you don’t even need the kids and … Continue reading

The Ups and Downs of Marriage

If you have been married for any length of time, you quickly come to realize that marriage has ups and downs. Sometimes the ups are more than the downs, but it can also be the other way. Or it may be that the downs seem to last longer. The important thing is that you accept the fact that it won’t always be sunshine and roses. Sometimes people go into marriage with a certain expectation and as soon as things get difficult, they start to question if they should stay. Sometimes they don’t even take the time to question it, they … Continue reading

My House, My Rules

Is it just me or did all of your house rules seem to change when you got divorced? First, I have to admit I was never a real stickler about things like bedtime, mostly because my daughter is a night owl and you really cannot force a child to sleep. Once I was divorced I never felt like I had to enforce a bedtime. In many ways my daughter regressed. For the first year after the divorce she slept with me, something her father and I had finally managed to stop just a few months prior to the divorce. I … Continue reading

Enjoying Life Together

Sometimes we overlook how important it is to enjoy spending time together in a marriage. It doesn’t matter what you do so long as you are with the one you love. Yesterday Mick felt a need to get out of the house for a while just for a change of scenery. Because he’s still feeling worn out and lethargic that meant I’d do all the driving. We weren’t planning a strenuous day, just going out for a drive in the countryside. It was more about being together somewhere out of the house. We went up the coast firstly and stopped … Continue reading

A Day in the Sun

It’s the little things that make memories. It’s the little things that build relationships and maintain them. It doesn’t have to be anything world shattering. It could be something as simple as a day together. On Saturday we had an early start to the day and drove up to Sydney. There we got together with our daughter and her husband. Along with thousands of other people, we enjoyed the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition at Bondi. No, thousands is not an exaggeration. It is a very popular exhibition. I described it to a friend later as a moving stairway. It … Continue reading

Tips for Preventing Summer ER Visits

Want to stay out of the emergency room this summer? I know I do. Across the United States, emergency care facilities see nearly a twenty percent jump in traffic during the summer months… and now that I think about it, the majority of my ER visits have been during the summer. Knowing is half the battle… preparation and prevention is the other half. (Sorry, G.I. Joe!) Here are some things you can do to make the summer months safer and healthier. Always drink plenty of water. Dehydration is a huge health issue during the summer months! Always wear sunscreen. Yes, … Continue reading

A Time for Resolutions

New Year is a time for resolutions. Many are made but not so many are kept. So what is the point of resolutions? Resolutions are helpful if they focus our attention on areas that need to be changed. For example, last night, New year’s Eve here in Australia Mick and I resolved to get back into the habit of our regular bible study and prayer time together. When family is here or other things are happening, sadly it is all too easy for it to get pushed aside. So we’re looking at a study that focuses on different passages to … Continue reading