Baby’s 5 Senses and How They Develop over the First Year

Have you seen the commercial on PBS aimed at educating parents and I assume encouraging parents to be more patient with their baby’s messes. It says, “Babies are natural born explorers. They have to try things over and over and over again.” You see the baby spilling the cereal on the floor as they point out that it’s a baby’s nature to do so. It’s true, as anyone with babies or toddlers can tell you–babies learn by exploring. Lacking the adult means of communicating information, these little people use their senses to learn about the world around them. Take a … Continue reading

Baby’s 5 Senses and How They Develop over the First Year

Have you seen the commercial on PBS aimed at educating parents and, I assume, encouraging parents to be more patient with their baby’s messes? It says, “Babies are natural born explorers. They have to try things over and over and over again.” You see the baby spilling the cereal on the floor as they point out that it’s a baby’s nature to do so. It’s true, as anyone with babies or toddlers can tell you: babies learn by exploring. Lacking the adult means of communicating information, these little people use their senses to learn about the world around them. Take … Continue reading

The Baby Week in Review, October 15-21

Sunday, October 15 In Your Baby’s First Hours of Life Valorie discussed what will happen to your little one while you are recovering from the labor and delivery. In Baby, Baby – Look at Me, too! We talked about the fact that being a parent is one of the hardest jobs you’re ever going to do. In Sour Milk? Valorie discussed that breast milk can go sour too. In Why is My Toddler Afraid of Dogs?, we looked at the reasons why toddlers may be afraid of dogs and other pets and how you help them overcome the fear, but … Continue reading