It’s Time To Have Some Fun With Family History Interviewing

Within the next few days, you are likely to be attending at least one family gathering, if not more. If you are genealogically inclined, this means that it is prime time to do a little family history interviewing. Whether you choose to do it informally, by just striking up conversations with people and sprinkling information-seeking questions in along the way or more formally, by preparing a list of questions and then interviewing family members is up to you. You may be seeking names and dates for your pedigree chart, and that is fine. Family gatherings are a great place to … Continue reading

Erectile Disfunction and Marriage

Up to 30 million men in the United States experience chronic erectile disfunction. According to the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, as many as 50 percent of men ages 40 to 70 experience ED. What this means is that because this condition is so common, there is a good chance that you may have to deal with it at some point in your marriage. A Private Issue? Yesterday, I was reading the forums here at and was struck by a post from a caring husband. He has been suffering from ED for the past three months and is trying … Continue reading

5 Savings Questions Ask Your Store Manger

The next time that you go out to shop, you can use that time to “earn” extra coupons and discounts. It is all a matter of simply asking your store manager certain questions. Jot down the answers and then take advantage of the bounty of coupons that you will get. 1. Do you have a loyalty program? Loyalty programs allow shoppers to earn points or even cash back on their purchases. Most stores have some sort of loyalty program, although many don’t advertise this. Even thrift stores, such as GoodWill often have loyalty programs. You can also earn free products … Continue reading

Homeschool Questions and Answers: Reversing Letters

Question: My son still reverses letters. . .sequences of things etc. I’m fairly confident at this point that he has issues with letter reversals. In looking for resources but what I’m finding is stuff for kids who are behind–which my son is not. He is about to start 4th grade math (just started 2nd grade) and I fully anticipate that he’ll get at least half way through 5th grade. . .and he reads at a solid 2nd grade level. So why worry about a bunch of backwards numbers and letters? I’m not worried but I sense that at this point, … Continue reading

Homeschool Questions and Answers: Homeschooling a Kindergartener

Question: I just quit my job to be a stay at home to a 5 year old and a one year old. I have very seriously thought about homeschooling for next year’s k-5 but I really need help to start. Can you please pass on any information that could help me make my decision easier and where to start on learning? Answer: If you are planning to homeschool your child next year after preschool, then you have some time do a bit of research. My advice for a mom considering starting homeschooling is that you should read up on different … Continue reading

Yes or No? Answer These Frugal Questions

When it comes to frugal living, there is sometimes a fine line between being smart about saving and being a miser. Here are some practices that many frugal people use. Are they common sense or going to far. See what your responses might be, yes or no, to each of these questions. You go out to dinner and want to keep your bill as low as possible. Would you do any of the following: You order a free water with lemon. You then squeeze the lemon and add some sugar or sweetener to make your own lemonade. You order a … Continue reading

More Questions to Help Relate to Your Child

One of my previous articles began discussing how many parents become frustrated with their children and how their children respond to school and teachers. Many parents comment on how they cannot understand their children and their actions. However I think that if they truly think about it hard enough they can relate to their child’s actions. Most parents have been through the same actions and behaviors as their children; however they have forgotten what it was like. I began offering some thoughts for parents to consider when they try to relate to their children about school issues. It may even … Continue reading

Questions to Ask Yourself

In most cases people have a gut instinct on whether or not they are meant to be with their partner. However, fewer people cat on this instinct. Some feel obligated to the relationship because they have already invested time into it. Others fear that their instinct may be wrong so they tough it out instead of being alone. Knowing whether or not to put more effort into a relationship or simply just get out of it altogether can be a tough decision for some. I was recently reading a book about relationships in which I came across a neat little … Continue reading

Encourage Kids to Ask Questions

When a child hits the age of two and starts asking questions non-stop, many parents would rather the child ask a few LESS questions. As our children get older, however, they may not get encouragement to ask questions and it might actually be that they are discouraged and shamed into stopping to ask questions (whether at school, home, church, etc.) As parents, we can create an open environment and support and encourage our children to continue to be inquisitive and curious and to ask those questions. Children will ask questions naturally if there is an environment that welcomes them and … Continue reading

Questions Answered about Cream of Soup

Since the most recent post here in the Frugal Living Blog, I have gotten some questions about my “cream of… soup” usage and the homemade from scratch “cream of… soups” that I make. I thought I would answer those questions and give a little more detail on the whole homemade “cream of… soup” thing being frugal and easy to do. If you missed that earlier article, you can click here to catch up: The Cream of Soup Budget. The first question asked which “cream of… soups” can be made easily from scratch. This is a wonderful question. Actually, pretty much … Continue reading