Could You Trust Your Husband?

I wonder how many Mother’s Day, anniversary or birthday presents husbands have bought for their wives end up tucked away in the back of a cupboard, never to see the light of day or on their way back to the shop? Could you trust your husband to buy you an item or clothing, a handbag, a piece of jewelry, a CD or book you would like? Mick constantly astounds friends and acquaintances of ours by being able to buy clothes for me that not only fit but look nice, that I feel comfortable wearing as they are colors and styles … Continue reading

Trusting Him to Provide

I mentioned earlier that my husband has received a new job offer. This whole situation is hitting me right at my emotional core—I grew up a little poorer than most, and security is a big deal for me. I need to feel stable with our situation. I need to know that we can afford a place to live and food to eat. We’ve been with his current company for a long time, and the thought of branching out and trying something new is scary to me. In today’s economy, there’s more reason than ever to fear. What if the new … Continue reading

My Homeschool Now Includes a Teenager

On the 7th of this month, my daughter, who once spit up on me, asked me to kiss boo boos, and begged for one more bedtime story, turned 13. She has turned in teddy bears, tea sets, and crayons for a cell phone, Facebook page, and blog. The transformation has been occurring for quite some time but it never really hits until “teen” is the last syllable of the age. She is funny, smart, quick witted, discerning, trustworthy, and at times snotty, ungrateful and very teen. What I am most proud of is that she does not speak in a … Continue reading

When Obstacles Come

Obstacles can have one of two effects on a person. They can cause you to decide it’s all too hard and give up, or that can make you all the more determined to persevere. The reality is we are all going to experience obstacles in our Christian life. It might be people at church who are not welcoming and don’t seem to appreciate or even recognize your gifts. It might be a spouse who doesn’t want you to go to church. You have been praying for them for years but nothing seems to change. I know the experience of praying … Continue reading

What Joseph’s Coat Taught Me

Last week in Sunday School, the lesson was on Joseph of Egypt. As we read through the story and pondered some of the points of the story, our teacher asked why we thought Joseph’s brothers were so ready to be rid of him. Several people gave great answers including the thought that the brothers were probably jealous about Joseph’s obvious favor in his father’s eyes and the blessings he had been given and promised. Then the teacher followed up with this question: “What can we do when we feel frustrations with our siblings or with other family members?” I grew … Continue reading

What Does It Mean to Be Head of the Household? part 2

Yesterday I looked at what I believe it doesn’t mean to be head of the household and some of what it does. Here are further ideas on the subject. Beliefs, values, priorities, family ideas and spending in a marriage ought to be along similar lines, not just what one person decides. The person commenting on the original blog suggested that the husband was in charge of finances and the wife needed to justify all expenses to her husband. What about working out together what is needed and how finances are spent? As for the husband being free to spend as … Continue reading

A Destructive Element in Marriage

Today I’m going to talk about what I see as a destructive element in marriage and one that many people fall too easily into. The problem is being a tattle tale. Now I don’t know about you, but when I was growing up I was always taught not to be a tattle tale. ‘Nobody likes a tattle tale,’ my mother said. A wise woman, my mother. In school there was nothing considered worse than being a tattle tale or as kids in Australia call it a ‘dobber.’ Yet it’s something I hear husbands and wives doing all the time to … Continue reading

Mending Marriage Miscommunications

Yesterday was pretty typical in the life of a young Mormon mommy. I spent all my time breaking up fights, trying not to cry as mess after mess was cleaned up (by me) and recreated (by the children). By the time my husband got home, I was ready for a time-out (for me). I went into the bedroom and treated myself to a book. A couple of hours later, my husband came in. He’d put the children to bed, the house was quiet, and I felt much refreshed. I thanked him for the wonderful reprieve, then stood up to grab … Continue reading

How to Solve the Problem of Who Does What

Yesterday one of our family members gave a rundown of what was happening in her household and looked for answers what to do. Unfortunately I don’t have any magic answers to her problem. But this is what I would do in that situation. First make a list (yes I’m big on list making) of all the jobs that need doing. Then gather the family together and tell them calmly and honestly how you’re feeling about what is currently happening, or not happening as the case may be. Explain you cannot be expected to do everything and neither should anyone else … Continue reading

How I Use My Credit Cards to Earn $200+ Each Year

Yesterday I wrote about how I changed my thinking about credit cards and changed my debt status. But in finding spending harmony I didn’t shun credit cards altogether like many financial advisors tout. (Having too many credit cards was never my problem, though. Maxing out the one I did have was.) No, instead I learned how to use credit cards to make them earn for me. Sign Me Up for That Reward Program! For the longest time I couldn’t get a Discover Card because my credit was so bad. (Not only did I have that maxed out balance on my … Continue reading