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Sanitizing Your Home for Swine Flu

Swine Flu has many people up in arms. People don’t want to shake hands. People get nervous when someone else coughs. People are even sanitizing their homes. But will home sanitizing prevent you from getting swine flu? Maybe.

Sanitizing your home is effective against getting swine flu if someone in your home has it. If no one in the house has swine flu, then there’s really no point about going overboard to sanitize it. The problem is that you don’t know that you even have Swine Flu in your home until someone gets sick, and by then the whole house could be contaminated. So it doesn’t hurt to get started early.

To keep your home sanitized to prevent spread of Swine Flu and other infectious diseases, you will need disinfectant soap hand soap, sanitizing wipes, disinfectant home cleaner such as Lysol foaming disinfectant cleaner or Clorox Clean-up. You will also need disinfectant spray. To clean with you can use a pile of cleaning cloths that you toss in the washing machine, or a roll of paper towels.

With your cleaner and towels you are ready to tackle every place your home that hands touch. Clean counter tops, table, doorknobs, the refrigerator door, and faucets. After you have tackled all of the hard surfaces in your home, tackle your soft surfaces such as sofas, throw pillows, stuffed animals, and anywhere else germs may land. You will also want to wash your washable linens every three days in hot water to kill all germs.

Of course, this won’t guarantee that you will not get the swine flu, but it will stop or slow down the spread of the virus in your home should someone come down with it.

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Also Read:

Where Germs Thrive in the Home (and How to Handle Them)

Your Eco-Arsenal: Vinegar

Swine Flu and Pregnancy

Swine Flu and Your Student