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Staying Connected When You’re Apart

If you or your spouse travels often, one or both of you probably ends up feeling a little lonely at times. While missing each other can have a positive affect on your relationship, it can also be stressful.

Try some of these ideas for staying connected:

Talk all Day and Night

Obviously, you cannot literally talk to each other all day and all night long, but you can speak to each other several times throughout the day and the night. These don’t have to be long conversations – just a few moments to catch up and to let your spouse know you’re thinking of him or her.

Wake up Calls

If possible, provide your spouse with a wake up call in the morning. It is so much nicer to hear a familiar, loving voice on the line than it is to wake up with the hotel clerk telling you that it’s now 5:30 a.m. It’s also a nice idea to call and say goodnight before you go to bed.

Work that Technology

Technology is great. You can leave a voice mail, send an email or e-card, write a text message, send a joke or a photo, or pretty much anything else you want to in order to keep in touch with your spouse when he or she is out of town.

Have Something to Say

If you do talk to each other often, don’t get into a rut where you have nothing left to say. If the two of you find yourselves hanging on the phone in silence, look for something interesting to bring up before you call. Check the paper or the news, see how his favorite sports team is doing, mention her favorite author, tell a joke, or find other ways to keep the conversation flowing. Whispering sweet nothings never hurts either.

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