Coupons for Your Mother

Who does the majority of the grocery shopping in your family? Chances are, it is the person who answers to the name of “Mom”. This could be why put together a batch of coupons that they believe your mother would like. It’s not exactly a Mother’s Day gift, but you could print out the coupons and tuck them into her card, if you wanted to. has a batch of coupons for products that they figure your mother happens to like. Use all the coupons in this batch, and you (or your mother) will save a total of $12.00. … Continue reading

Sweat All You Want–This Shirt Won’t Stink

I have completed four marathons, but I sweated more giving birth to my daughter than in all of the races combined. I don’t remember anyone telling me that I smelled bad, but I’m sure I did. It’s the same way when you go to the gym… while it may be hard to admit, sometimes deodorant doesn’t always work. Enter the newly designed “sweet smelling athletic gear.” It promises to emit a pleasant scent… rather than body odor. Let’s face it, sweat smells. Even if you don’t hit the gym yourself, if you have boys who play hard, you know they … Continue reading