My Blessing in Disguise

Tomorrow would have marked my 4th anniversary with my ex-husband. It’s hard to remember what life was even like back then, it seems a lifetime ago. I remember feeling in the pit of my stomach that I was making the biggest mistake of my life as I walked down the aisle. My head knew things weren’t going to work, but my heart was too stubborn to listen and convinced me to go through with it. I so desperately wanted a “happily ever after family.” I wanted my son to grow up with both of his parents living under the same … Continue reading

What Joseph’s Coat Taught Me

Last week in Sunday School, the lesson was on Joseph of Egypt. As we read through the story and pondered some of the points of the story, our teacher asked why we thought Joseph’s brothers were so ready to be rid of him. Several people gave great answers including the thought that the brothers were probably jealous about Joseph’s obvious favor in his father’s eyes and the blessings he had been given and promised. Then the teacher followed up with this question: “What can we do when we feel frustrations with our siblings or with other family members?” I grew … Continue reading

The Blessings of Church Membership

When people look at our church or think about Mormons, many people only see the restrictions that we commit to when we join the church. This includes no alcohol, coffee, tea, and no smoking. Often times it is too easy to get caught up in the things that you don’t instead of focusing on the things that do. The church also offers many blessing as a result of being members of the church. First of all the things that we are not supposed to do, there is little that we are really missing. Studies and experience have shown that there … Continue reading

Only a Prayer Away

Recently my darling husband went through a lot of my 78s inherited from my Mom. In the process of putting them onto CD he picked up and played several I’d forgotten about. One such was ‘Only a Prayer Away.’ This song was later recorded by Elvis but the 78 was around long before that version. I particularly like this song because it talks about thanking the Lord for everything and counting your blessing each day. As you all know, I’m being on giving thanks to God and counting our blessings. And it’s such an easy thing to do. Once you … Continue reading

Getting a Frugal Boost from Our Home Inventory

Yesterday was one of those days where I just had to get something tangible done in the morning. Lucky for me, I choose to work on our home inventory, and it gave me the frugal boost that I really needed. You may have seen some of my posts about creating a home inventory in the Home blog. This is an important thing to have for any household since it lists all of your belongings, helpful if you have a loss of your home. I wanted to get started as soon as I could. So yesterday, when I was looking for … Continue reading

Jump Right In!

The other day at the beach I watched people cautiously approach the water and stick their toes in then jump back muttering,‘It’s cold,’ or ‘It’s freezing,’ or something similar. Those of us already in the water laughed, though I admit it is cold initially. Part of living on the South Coast of New South Wales is that the water seems to take longer to warm up. It’s a matter of getting over the initial reaction and getting in and getting the whole body wet not just up to the ankles. That first minute or two are cold but then you … Continue reading

The Blessing of Prayer

How wonderful to know others are praying for you! One of the great things about family and friends is they way they jump on board when I am doing something. Like this morning I was the speaker at our ladies breakfast. As of Wednesday night I had no idea want I was going to talk about. The only thing I had written was in my opinion a disaster. I was starting to panic. At bible study I raised it as a prayer point. The next day I was still no further advanced and resolved to go and play tennis and … Continue reading

Fear of Death

In the forums we have been discussing fears. Beth recently wrote a blog about people’s fear of death. At the time I suggested ‘To have assurance of a life beyond death makes all the difference in the way it is approached.’ Beth wasn’t convinced ‘Possibly so, but I know many people who would consider themselves to be religious and yet cannot face talking about their own mortality. I guess it is often a case of “everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die!” Yet I know some people who have their funeral all planned, right down to … Continue reading

Dealing With Jealousy – part 3

Over the last two days we’ve looked at reasons for jealousy. A third reason people are often jealous of others is because of what they have. If you are jealous of others because of what they own, then I suggest you need to make a list – not necessarily of what you own but of all the blessings God has given you. You will soon see how much you have to be thankful for. I’m a great one for lists and the making of lists which identify blessings God has given me is one I have found particularly helpful. What … Continue reading

Not Taking Life For Granted, But Finding the Blessings

In Lauri’s media blog she talked of Anna Quindlen and ‘A Short Guide to a Happy Life’ and the importance of taking note of what is happening around you and how it is ‘a great reminder to not take life for granted, to notice those moments and even to purposely make room for them.’ Really, it’s all about noticing and finding the blessing of each day. This is by no means comprehensive but only a select few blessings I found to thank God for this week. 1. A week filled with music – from the hymns and spiritual songs in … Continue reading