Making Christmas More Joyful for Kids With Special Needs

Many of us look forward to Christmas. Kids that have certain types of special needs might feel left out, or overwhelmed, by the ways that their family celebrates this holiday. Here are some quick tips to help make Christmas more joyful for kids who have special needs. It is a tradition that children write a letter to Santa. Sometimes, Santa answers that letter. When he does, it a note that is written on paper, (and possibly signed by Santa himself). This makes many children happy. However, it leaves out the kids who are blind or who have a vision impairment. … Continue reading

The Power of Feeling with The Braille Ring

I have great sympathy for anyone who has a disability. There are so many things in life that I take for granted that I never realize others miss out on. I usually never give a second though to the things that are simple to me like matching the color of my clothing in the mornings, pushing my children on a swing, and listening to music in my car. However, these things do come so easy for some. Like the other things, I had never really thought about people who have never seen their wedding dress or their husband’s face or … Continue reading