California’s Ruling: That’s Just My Opinion.

June 17th is a historic moment for a country so divided on an issue that the lines are polarizing. A poll on AOL shows that 51% oppose same-sex marriage while 49% support it. The number of people in the poll is just 59,000 — so that makes those differering in opinion to be about 1,000 apart. While there is no way to poll the entire country, chances are good that it would come down to a split where the supporters and opponents are about even and the people who don’t care make up the rest. Supporting Freedom of Consortium I … Continue reading

Answering Questions About California’s Now Infamous Court Case

Unless you’ve been homeschooling under a rock, you know that the Superior Court of California issued a ruling regarding one homeschool family. The wording of the ruling essentially declares homeschooling illegal. Now, it seems, that the whole homeschooling world is up in arms, ready to storm Capital Hill to reverse this great injustice. Just like in a game of telephone, though, as the story is retold again and again, the facts are getting more and more distorted. This is my attempt to answer some questions as I understand them. Why is the court ruling on homeschooling when this is an … Continue reading