Disney Prince, Princess and Character Auditions

Are you ready to be a real Disney Prince or Princess? The pay for these performers is $11.25 an hour but the wardrobes are positively fairy tale fantastic! The following are real auditions for real actors and actresses. If you are ready to make the leap from amateur to the big time, this is your chance. Remember to arrive early at auditions, register once you get there and be sure to wear comfortable clothes for a movement exercise. Disney Prince & Princess Look-a-like Audition If you bear a resemblance to a Disney Prince or Princess, attend the Disney Look-a-like Performers … Continue reading

The Self-Centeredness DOES Get to Me

First I’d like to say that I adore my kids–and on most occasions I have complete faith that they will evolve into caring, considerate and contributing adults. But, the reality of childhood and adolescence is that kids have a tendency to be amazingly self-centered. As we work to introduce all that caring, consideration, etc. into our children’s character, we are still battling against the typical self-centeredness that seems to be developmentally appropriate for a child. And, I’m here to tell you that it does sometimes aggravate me to no end! I don’t know if it is environmental or inherent in … Continue reading

Children Can Learn to Be Kind

Although I think there is a lot to be said for temperament and personality, there are still plenty of character traits that can be learned. I believe that kindness is one of those traits that a person is not necessarily born with, but can be taught and socialized. If we want our children to be kind and caring individuals, there are things we can do to help foster that… It might help to think about how kindness is NOT an innate expression in other living creatures. In fact, in the animal world, it is all about survival and kindness is … Continue reading

Parents Need Discipline Too

We focus a great deal on disciplining our children and discussing different disciplinary philosophies and techniques that we can use as parents. But, parents need discipline too… When I talk about self-discipline for parents, I am not talking about punishment–I am talking about learning to regulate our behaviors. I am talking about learning and fostering patience; learning how to experiment and take on new behaviors (while letting go of ones that no longer work for us); I am talking about being respectful, responsible and not shying away from doing what needs to be done. All of this may seem pretty … Continue reading

Remember Obstacles Make Us Stronger

I know this seems like worn out advice, but I really do believe that it is even more important and poignant for the single parent. Things can get pretty rough and tumble for a single parent trying to build a happy and healthy family life–but working through those tough times and getting over and around those obstacles really does make us stronger (and it makes our kids stronger and more resilient too!)… I am a pretty ordinary, typical sort and I can be honest with you and say that I’ve been through things I would have never imagined I could … Continue reading

Defining Moments

Elder Joseph B Wirthlin speaks about defining moments in his talk “Life’s Lessons Learned.” His examples made me start thinking about my own defining moments in life. I have had quite a few. As I look back on these moments I have realized that they are moments when my testimony became solid are certain issues in the gospel, and as I have faced trials again I can look back at those moments and receive strength from them. It is important to take time to recognize these moments and record them in your journal. Elder Wirthlin said that you often do … Continue reading

Marriage Blog Week in Review for July 8 – 13

The weeks are flying by this summer and this week is no exception. So let’s do a quick review of our Marriage Blog’s week. Sunday, July 8 Do You Deserve To Be Happy? Do you know the answer to this question? It’s an important question to answer and to discover the answer to as it will help you build a happier marriage. Monday, July 9 Fighting About Money Doesn’t Fix the Problem because nine times out of ten, when you and your spouse are fighting about money – you aren’t really fighting about money. Your struggle may be over control, … Continue reading

Forgiveness in the Parent-Child Relationship

When we think of that great, ongoing life lesson with forgiveness, we may think of personal relationships with partners and spouses, friends, and family–but we don’t often think of our relationship with our young children. But, forgiveness IS an ongoing issue in parenting and one more place where we (both parents and children) get to wrestle with this difficult task… The other day, I wrote about trust and how parents and children wrestle with trust issues in the growing up years–but I think that learning how to let go and forgive is such a big thing–and one where many families … Continue reading

Insisting on Follow-Through

I just want to introduce this blog by saying that I am NOT one of those parents who insists that my kids NEVER EVER quit anything—but, on the whole, I have encouraged them to stick with projects and see them through to completion. This means that if they start a sport season, or join the yearbook staff, or agree to do some volunteer work, I do insist that they follow those things through to the end of the season, project or school year. While I think there is something to be learned in how to quit or walk away from … Continue reading

Recognize Effort, Not Results

We are a results-oriented society—read the morning newspaper and you’ll see dozens of stories where the end definitely seems to justify the means and we tend to reward people based on what they “achieve,” not the process and efforts along the way. As parents, however, too much focus on results can create a lot of stress and pressure for our kids and they may actually be afraid to try and struggle if they feel they will never get to the “reward.” I think parents can have a great deal of influence on raising kids who are NOT afraid of failure … Continue reading