Power of a Woman Part 2: S-E-X

I blush crimson as I write this blog! This is a topic I have never written about, except in my personal journals, but here goes. Picture this scenario, women: You have had a hard day. You made a mistake at work and your boss bawled you out. You were late picking your eight-year-old up from school and all the way home she let you know how awful and humiliating it was to be the last kid picked up. The dog ate the casserole you prepared for dinner. You pulled the laundry out of the dryer, only to find crayon marks … Continue reading

A Godly Wife

What is a godly woman? I think it’s important here to refer you back to my previous blog and to stress that there is no mold. We are all unique and different and I’m glad. Being a godly wife doesn’t mean you look like June Cleaver and it doesn’t mean you have to be perfect. You must truly believe that before you read on to what a godly wife is. Otherwise you will just be following a bunch of rules and trying to play a role. First of all, a godly woman has a relationship with God. She makes time … Continue reading