Parents. . .Don’t Frustrate Your Children

In my last blog, I talked about the importance of my children understanding that their obedience isn’t required by me or my husband, but by God. What I mean by that is that the order of things was set up by God himself. . .not by mom or dad. I think most parents understand the psychology of requiring obedience, consequences, and consistency. All of our pop psychology books are filled with these ideas. Gosh, even the Super Nanny has the naughty chair–a consequence for misbehavior. If you have found yourself struggling to bring your child into obedience, I am going … Continue reading

Children Obey Your Parents

As someone who regularly deals with children and their families, I often hear the same complaints: “They don’t listen when I tell them to do something.” “I can’t get them to obey.” “I’m doing everything right–disciplining for disobedience, praising for the good–and still I see no progress.” My disclaimer here is that if you are having trouble with your child–these couple of blogs won’t fix your problems. But I recently went to a parenting seminar and I want to pass along some things that were shared that struck home with me. Ephesians 6:1 “Children obey your parents. . .” One … Continue reading

Children Who Love the Bible

A few weeks ago my seven-year-old daughter came to me and with her eyes glowing and said, “I love reading the Bible!” It was one of those moments when that “Mom feeling” filled my heart. (Pride, love, joy all rolled into one warm fuzzy feeling) This past September Meredith graduated from Sunday school and is now in Children’s church. Children’s church involves really studying the Bible. She will read through it completely in the next couple of years. A few evenings a week Meredith and my husband sit down to read the assigned chapters for the week. My husband really … Continue reading