Scrapbooking Your Schedule

Schedules are important. For some people, they are the only way they know how to survive day to day. Everyone has one, even when they do not think they do. Waking up in the morning is even part of a schedule, even if it does occur at different times everyday. Scrapbooking your schedule might seem silly to you. But you would be surprised at how quickly our schedules change, even when they don’t feel like they do. And each member of your household usually has a different schedule, giving you multiple opportunities at different layouts. The best part is, they … Continue reading

Personalized Clocks – Another home business venture

Once the home business bug hit me, I was off and running and trying to find more ways to bring in extra money. The idea of a photo clock crossed my mind but I had no idea how to make one. I knew they’d make great Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gifts or gifts for grandparents. My only problem was I had no idea how to make a photo clock. I found a downloadable template of a clock face and knew I could use this to place numbers over a photo. Then I decided to go on a clock hunt. … Continue reading