Tuition-Free Colleges

One of the biggest expenses to a family is paying for college. I know that it has kept us up late at night, and our kids are still very young. If you are wondering how you are ever going to pay for higher education, take heart. More and more colleges and universities are offering students a chance to get a good education tuition free. And, these programs have nothing to do with the normal scholarship avenues. Tuition-free programs are closer to loan programs that don’t have to be paid back. There aren’t that many of these programs around, but the … Continue reading

When Will You Stop Supporting Your Children Financially?

The time that you stop supporting your teenager or young adult will vary from family to family. Some families will help their children through college, and others expect for them to provide for themselves after high school. It is a personal decision for each family to make, but it is important that your teenager know what your decision is, long before the time comes. If you are expecting your child to become financially independent shortly after graduating from high school you will need to make sure they have the necessary skills to manage their money. (In fact most teenagers need … Continue reading