Exposure (part two)

In my last post, I began to discuss lighting as it pertained to exposure, and how to control the amount of light entering the camera’s lens. If you have a SLR camera with an interchangeable lens, take the lens off and look at it. Take the lens cap off, and look at the lens through the large end. As you are looking through the lens, rotate the ring on the lens that adjusts the lens opening (this should be the one behind the focusing ring). Notice how the opening of the lens changes, and that as you go from a … Continue reading

Exposure (part one)

In previous posts, I talked about lighting as it applies to the subject of your photos. Today, let’s take a step back and talk about how to properly record that light in the final picture, whether taken with a digital or traditional camera. A traditional SLR (single lens reflex) camera is similar to a SLR digital camera. You have settings for shutter speed, lens opening (or aperture) and a focusing ring (unless you have an auto-focus (AF) lens). In some cameras, you can set the auto- focus feature to manual. This is handy if you want creative control. SLR cameras … Continue reading