Hanging Laundry in Winter

Just because it is winter, doesn’t mean that you have to use your clothes dryer. Hanging laundry saves money by reducing your energy costs, extending the life of your dryer, and extending the life of your clothing (all that lint caught in the trap comes from the fibers that are wearing away from your clothing in the dryer–scary). Invest in a Drying Rack A fold-up drying rack can hold quite a few items of clothing, and will work well for items that have to be laid flat as well as those that need to stay flat to dry. Make sure … Continue reading

Dryer Envy: How to Tell If You Need a New Dryer

Every time we are at the local Lowes or Home Improvement, which tends to be more often than not, since we own an older home, we always pass by the appliances department. I have to hide my eyes from the sparkling brilliance of the new washer and dryers that come in so many fashionable colors. In fact the exact reds and blues of the pairs remind me of browsing the new car dealerships. Think of all of the options that you can get on a dryer, including one that talks to the washer to find out how it should set … Continue reading

How Long Should Your Appliances Last?

When you have to repair or replace a fancy refrigerator only two years after you purchased the unit, it can be frustrating. Yet, the 1960s dryer that you inherited from your parents is still going strong. Are modern appliances not built as well? Do refrigerators die out faster than do dryers? There are a few different factors that may determine the life of your appliance. Electronic components such as sensors and computerized displays tend to be difficult to repair or replace and can also be the most likely parts of an appliance to fail. The simpler the better here. More … Continue reading

Luxury Laundry: Built-in Washer and Dryer

(Photo from askousa.com) Forget built-in refrigerators that hide behind kitchen cabinet doors and seamlessly blend in to the room. We have all seen them. For something truly innovative, why not install built in laundry facilities, namely an integrated washer and a dryer? You can have your laundry in the kitchen, the bathroom, the family room, the walk-in closet (or anywhere) for convenience without compromising space or style. The integrated washer and dryer are available from ASKO (http://askousa.com), known for their dishwashers, as well as “laundry care services.” The washer and or dryer can be fitted with a customer-supplied wood panel, … Continue reading

Dry Your Clothes Twice as Fast

I recently heard about this trick from a frugal reader and I am anxious to try it. She claims that making this easy improvement will make your dryer more efficient to the point where it can dry your laundry twice as fast as it would normally. Dryers are one of those energy hogs in the home. A dryer needs to generate a lot of heat and air to dry the laundry, and all of that heat requires a large amount of energy. A normal load of clothes to be dried can cost you somewhere between $.50 and $.76, depending on … Continue reading

Introducing Frugal Laundry!

Laundry is one of those things that we just have to do in life. There is something about laundry that inspires me. Not, I’m not completely nuts, but I do actually enjoy doing the laundry. I just love clean clothes. There is also something about the feel of fresh clean clothes and linens, and the mindless organization of folding and ironing, that gives me time to think creatively. Some of that creative thinking, of course, tends to focus on how we can save money while doing the laundry. So, I was really excited when we added a new category called … Continue reading

Home and Garden Question: Washing Machine Odor

I recently received the following question: Does your washer ever have an odor? Mine does. The smell isn’t real strong but it is unpleasant and like musty. What can I do to to get rid of it and keep it from smelling? Any ideas? The good news is that this problem is usually easy to resolve. First, try leaving the lid to the washing machine open after washing a load of clothes. Letting the drum air out after each load instead of closing the lid will help prevent odors. Another thing to consider is that washing machines do get dirty. … Continue reading

Hanging Clothes on Trees

What happens when you inherit a dryer from the 1930’s? Read on to find out how in one fell swoop I did my laundry and created some unique landscaping. Moving into our new home has been an adventure. From living without water for three days to finding enough dirt on the kitchen floor to fill the cat’s’ litter-box, we have been feeling somewhat like the cast of Lost if they had found themselves in a rural part of Pennsylvania. As soon as usable water was restored to the house, it was time to do laundry. The washer was a nice … Continue reading

Make Your Clothes Last Longer

My husband and I have a reputation for wearing clothes until they fall apart. Witness that in my earlier blog, New Uses for Old Jeans. Just the other month, I had to leave a note on one of his t-shirts that said “Please release me, let me go.” The shirt was so bad that I left the note sticking out from inside a hole in the front. There are some ways to ensure that your clothes last as long as possible. If you care for your clothes well, you can stretch their useable life quite a bit. The biggest thing … Continue reading