Disney at E3 and Other Video Games Update

A Kinect demo booth at this year’s E3 The E3 Video Game exhibition might be over now, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to stop talking about all we learned about upcoming video games. Put E3 up there for me with other conventions, like Comic Con and the D23 Expo, that I’d love to attend one day. Disney didn’t dominate E3, as the company isn’t really known for putting out much more than thrown-together movie tie-in games. Titles like “Epic Mickey” and “Kingdom Hearts” are the exceptions to the rule, though the latter doesn’t quite count because it was a … Continue reading

E3 Gaming Rumors

Gamers everywhere are anticipating all of the new offers in the gaming world that will be announced at the E3 Media and Business Summit in Los Angeles. I’ll discuss which rumors have been confirmed, which have been denied and which are still anyone’s guess. There is everything here from a price decrease in a major video game system to the highly anticipated possible release of a new Halo game. There are major changes in the conference from last year. It is now by invitation only, reducing the crowd expected from 60,000 to 5,000. Last year, more than 400 game companies … Continue reading