Why I Believe In A Creator

Last Saturday afternoon my husband and I decided it was too perfect a day to spend inside. We took off with our pup to the beach ten minutes away. A sky blue and almost cloudless, turned the waters of Jervis Bay a brilliant mix of turquoise and cerulean shot through with varying shades of green. Fringing the waters of the bay were the deep green bush land of Booderee and Jervis Bay National Parks. Stopping now and then to look out at the view toward the headlands and the small island perched in the middle of the blue, or to … Continue reading

Evidence: The Sin of Biblical People

This evidence for the existence of God was recently brought to my attention and I believe it is yet another example of the abundance of knowledge the world has for the Lord. Consider a normal history book. For the most part, do history books speak about the good and bad qualities and characteristics of heroes? Not usually. Most history books speak highly of individuals who are known for wonderful accomplishments, and leave the darker side of these individuals’ out (or barely speak of it at all). This is where the Bible greatly differs from many history books. The Bible is … Continue reading

Evidence: Science and the Bible

If you have read many of my blogs you might have noticed that I have mentioned that I am a scientist. When I am not writing for Families.com I work as a Chemistry Content Author, and in the fall I will begin working on my Masters degree in biology. Why am I telling you this? I am telling you this because I am excited to write about the next topic in the series I have been writing about evidence we have for the existence of God. This evidence has to do with science and the Bible. While the Bible is … Continue reading

Psalms Found in an Ireland Bog

While I was watching the news this morning, I heard a story about an archeological find related to the Word of God. In an Ireland bog, a construction worker noticed a something in the soil while he was digging in the bog with a bulldozer. Upon further investigation the worker discovered it was an ancient book. The ancient book appears to be an ancient copy of Psalms. From what I have read about the finding, I am unclear if it is a copy of all the Psalms we have in our Bible today, or just some of the Psalms. The … Continue reading

Evidence: The Bible

The Bible is an incredible book. The Bible tells the world about the Lord who created it and how to serve Him. The Word of God answers the great questions of life: How did we get here? Why are we here? Where are we going? The Bible tells us about the wonderful salvation we can have through obedience to the Lord. In line with the last few blogs about evidence for the existence of God, this blog will center on some of the evidence which the Bible itself provides for the existence of God. There are many different examples of … Continue reading

Is Faith Blind Belief?

In today’s world the word “faith” has been mistreated and misused. Faith has come to mean “believing in something for which there is no evidence” or “a blind belief” or even “believing in something which is impractical or irrational.” In fact, one of the definitions listed for faith by Dictionary.com is the following: “belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.” Do these definitions really describe faith? Do these definitions really describe a Biblical faith? The answer to these questions can be found in Hebrews 11:1, which states: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, … Continue reading