The Tortoise and the Hare Race Again – Dan Bernstein

Have you ever wished you could go back in time and fix something that happened in your past? In the children’s picture book “The Tortoise and the Hare Race Again,” that very thing takes place. It all begins with a bad hare day. The hare feels mocked and belittled as the other animals laugh at his failure to defeat the tortoise. He did come in second, but in a race between two people, that’s really not saying much, now, is it? All the rabbits made it their business to tease the hare whenever they see him. In fact, Stu Rabbit … Continue reading

Squids Will Be Squids: Fresh Morals, Beastly Fables – Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith

Of course it was the title that caught my eye first. But the fascination with this children’s book didn’t end there. We begin with a tongue-in-cheek introduction, telling us what a fable is and introducing us to Aesop, undoubtedly the most famous of all fable-tellers. We are then told that this book is a collection of fables Aesop might have told, if he’d ever gotten around to it. First we read the story entitled “Grasshopper Logic.” A short tale in favor of doing one’s homework, the moral of the story is, “There are plenty of things to say to calm … Continue reading

The Bunyans – Audrey Wood

We all know how fun it is to read a tall tale. I can think of no tale taller than that of Paul Bunyan, the huge lumberjack who, along with his blue ox, Babe, cleared the land for the new settlers. But did you know that Paul got married and had a family? I certainly didn’t until I read this picture book. It seems that one day, while Paul was out clearing a road in the forest of Kentucky, he noticed that the ground was shaking, and he saw a hole in the side of a mountain. He did some … Continue reading

Aesop’s Fables

Although there are many picture books for your children to enjoy, I wanted to encourage you to consider Aesop’s Fables. Keep in mind that these fables date back to the 6th century but have been enjoyed by children around the world ever since. Now, Aesop’s Fables are available in many different books but two in particular are what I consider the best. For one thing, each of these picture books has incredible illustrations and the stories are excellent. In addition, the three I will mention are suitable for children of all ages so young or old will enjoy them. Best … Continue reading