Family Home Evening and Scripture Study Roadblocks

We are instructed to hold regular family home evening, scripture study and prayer. I have blogged about the benefits of this numerous times. There are times in our family in which we are extremely successful in doing these things on a daily basis, and times when we are not. When we are going through the not-so-good times, I have found that it is usually one or a combination of the following five things. 1) Poor planning is one common reason why we do not have a well-planned out family home evening or we have a hurried prayer before my daughter … Continue reading

Benefits of Family Scripture Study

We have been counseled to have scripture study as a family for many years. Depending on the ages of your family members this could mean a wide variety of things. If you have very young children, you may be focusing on teaching the stories in the scriptures. If you have children in elementary school, you may take turns reading the verses aloud, and discussing the points taught in the chapter. If you have teenagers you may be reading by topic, and addressing questions and concerns that they may have. Your family will be benefited in many ways. 1) As you … Continue reading