Do Aquarium Pets Beg?

This past Monday was the tournament for my Monday night volleyball league. Like I did during the tourney for my Thursday night league, I sat around talking to my teammates. And, like what happened then with that conversation leading to blog material (see “Wives Judging Wives”), Monday night’s conversation also provided blog material. (This time for the Pets Blog, though, instead of the Marriage Blog.) It all started once I told two girls on my team, Jennifer and Susan, what exactly it is I do during the day. Susan’s an ardent animal lover. She’s very involved with rescuing dogs. At … Continue reading

Painted Turtles

Painted turtles are a species of small turtles found across North America. They get their name from the colorful markings on their legs, tail, head and neck — the turtle’s skin is dark green or black with red and yellow stripes. If the colorful stripes aren’t enough to identify your painted turtle, look at the shell. The carapace is a smooth, flattened oval with red markings in some species. The plastron is usually yellow, sometimes tinged with red. Female painted turtles are generally larger than males — they can grow up to ten inches long. Males tend to have a … Continue reading

Florida Loggerhead Numbers Drop

On the heels of a movement to protect Pacific loggerhead sea turtles, news comes from Florida that the number of turtle nests went down in 2007. Loggerhead sea turtles are already listed as “threatened” by the federal Endangered Species Act. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission surveyed nineteen different beaches were loggerhead turtles nest. Scientists reported more than twenty-eight thousand turtle nests. This seems like a good number until you compare it to the 2006 survey, which counted nearly fifty thousand turtle nests. In 2007, there were twenty-two thousand fewer loggerhead nests on Florida beaches — possibly the lowest … Continue reading

US Protection for Loggerheads

The United States government is looking at adding loggerhead sea turtles in the Pacific to the endangered species list. Loggerhead turtles all over are already classified as “threatened” under the federal Endangered Species Act. However, environmentalists believe a higher level of protection is necessary. The National Marine Fisheries Service is considering upgraded protection for loggerheads along the California coast and around Hawaii. Managers of Pacific Ocean fisheries say that recent years have seen huge improvements in protection for Pacific loggerheads. Sea turtle advocates beg to differ, estimating that tens of thousands of turtles are killed each year by commercial fishing … Continue reading

Reptile Awareness: Did You Know…?

Special note: gator photo by Elvis Santana For starters, did you know that today is Reptile Awareness Day? Did you know there even was such a day? (I only recently learned about it myself.) I admit I don’t know much about reptiles. I’ve never had one as a pet. About all I know is that frogs, snakes, lizards, turtles, gators and crocs are all part of the reptilian family and are cold-blooded. (And that Murph takes delight in chasing lizards and frogs whenever possible.) Well, since I don’t know much I had to do some research. Here’s some things I … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for Aug 20-26

This week Aimee and I were joined by guest blogger Valorie Delp here in the Pets Blog. Here’s what we covered on: Monday, August 20 Aimee noticed something amiss with Lally’s neck so she referred to her pet first aid training in neck sores to tend to the trouble. Tuesday, August 21 Not to be one upped by his sister, Moose had to have a blog about him too. Aimee described his newest bad habit, which is a mighty yucky one indeed. Wednesday, August 22 In a three-part series, Valorie shared her Turtles in the ‘Hood experience, starting with how … Continue reading

Endangered Bog Turtles in NJ

Bog turtles used to be abundant throughout New Jersey. Now they are found in the rural areas of Sussex, Warren, Hunterdon, and Salem counties. These tiny, palm-sized turtles like to live in wet meadows and mucky, saturated bogs. Most of their lives are spent in the cool muck, which helps keep them cool in summer and allows them a safe place to hibernate during the winter. Learn more about bog turtles: Bog turtles have a shell length between three and four inches at adulthood. These rare turtles are prized by collectors, but it is a violation of state and federal … Continue reading

Small Steps Can Save Giant Sea Turtles

The population of giant sea turtles in the Western Pacific is declining. The giant sea turtles — also known as leatherback turtles — are in trouble thanks to the state of their nesting beaches. If the beaches are unavailable or contaminated or allow too much human wandering, the eggs may be in danger. Female turtles are in danger from fishing nets, and may strangle themselves on their way to nest. Many eggs that are being laid just don’t hatch for one reason or another. Over-fishing, poaching, and pollution have all been blamed for the decline in leatherback populations in Malaysia, … Continue reading

Red Eared Slider Turtles

Several different types of slider turtles are kept as pets but the most common variety is the red eared slider turtle. If you’ve ever seen a tank of turtles at a pet store, you were probably looking at a pile of sliders. Red eared slider turtles are thought to be the same turtles behind the salmonella cases in the 1970s. If you will be handling any turtle, experts suggest you wash your hands with warm water and soap afterwards. In North America, the sale of slider turtles less than four inches long (carapace size) is prohibited — this is to … Continue reading

Come Out of Your Shell: Turtle Awareness

Photo by Jeff Jones When I was growing up I used to say something akin to, “I can’t wait to get out of school so I never have to worry about another test again.” My mom always countered with: “Just because you don’t go to school when you grow up doesn’t mean you stop learning.” As moms usually are, she was so very right. This month I’ve learned a lot. Especially in regards to how almost every day of every month has a designated “theme” attached to it. Take today, for instance. It’s World Turtle Day. Like I mentioned in … Continue reading