Microsoft and Google Battling over Vista

It is well known that Microsoft and Google are far from best buddies. The two companies have been rivals for some time. Microsoft wants what Google has: the largest share of the search engine pie, and Google wants Microsoft to stay out of its space. There have been ongoing rumors about Microsoft purchasing Yahoo in order to achieve its goals. Microsoft says that it doesn’t need to buy Yahoo in order to compete with Google. The latest saga in this war has to do with the Vista operating system and its built-in search engine. Google accuses Microsoft of unfair practices, … Continue reading

Google Desktop

Can’t find that e-mail message from Lisa that had her phone number in it? And what ever happened to that photo of your son on the playground that you are sure you downloaded to your hard drive? With Google Desktop, you can easily search your entire hard drive to find what you need. Of course you are familiar with Google, the powerful search engine that you probably use everyday. In fact, it is so popular that it has spawned it’s own verb tense, as in “Okay, I admit it, I googled my old high school boyfriend, yesterday.” (Oh come on, … Continue reading

Google 411

If you’re as old as I am, you can probably remember calling “Information.” It was a friendlier phone company then. No “What city, please?” said in a disinterested voice. It was INFORMATION. Before computers were commonplace in homes, there was the information lady. 411. “Do you know the capital of Missouri?” “What time is it?” “Can you tell me how to call another country?” These were real information operators – not simply people who typed in a request to a number database. And they were free. Now it costs me $1.25 in my area to find my neighbor’s misplaced phone … Continue reading

Google Earth

Gather the kids and spend tonight in front of the computer…yes really! There is an article headline I never thought I would write, but Google Earth made me do it! I am helpless to its power. This geographical tool from Google is flat-out remarkable. It is an amazing experience, to see the world in this manner, and should fascinate every child and his or her parent(s) for hours on end. With Google Earth, your family can easily zoom across the globe from Tulsa, Oklahoma to Mount Kilimanjaro or Toronto, Ontario to Tokyo. What an amazing learning tool, to be able … Continue reading

Home Business – Should You Discuss Religion and Politics Online?

Last week I talked about the dangers of “airing dirty laundry online” including the possibility of being overlooked by a potential employer due to “TMI” (Too Much Information) posts. As I read the follow up comments along with a related thread on a work-at-home forum I visit frequently, it made me wonder – are there other types of online information that could be used against us in a job search? Have you ever engaged a supervisor in a political or religious debate? Here’s just a quick suggestion…don’t. I had a wonderful relationship with my former supervisor. We got along great. … Continue reading

Do You Want to Work from Home? Don’t Air Your Dirty Laundry Online

The other day, I was reading some posts on a message board forum for moms who work from home. One of my favorite forums is the “telecommuting” thread. This is a great place to find current job openings and other ways to earn income online, or from home. I visit the site often and am starting to get to know the personalities of many of the posters. One of the “regulars” rarely takes a bathroom break without announcing it to the entire forum. Let’s just call her “Sally”. Just for arguments sake, I decided to pretend to be an employer … Continue reading

Google Earth: Get a Bird’s-Eye View of your Home

Do you ever wonder what the world looks like, from up above? Now you can see it all using Google Earth. I actually took a look at this program by Google while it was still in Beta form. The Beta version of the program was something you could watch on a web page, now you have to download a program onto your computer, but the resolution of the video looks to be much better. The program is free, and using a cable internet connection takes less than a minute to download and install onto your computer. Once you open the … Continue reading

Scrapbooking With Picasa

Have you seen Google’s new software? Well, alright so it really isn’t that new, but it is free and it is downloadable and it is certainly worth mentioning! Plus it’s brought to you by Google, which means it has to be good! What is it called? It’s called Picasa. Picasa is a fabulous free program that allows you to sort, search, categorize and label all of your photos. In addition Picasa helps you find, edit and share all the picture on your PC. After installation, Picasa will instantly begin searching where you tell it to search for all of the … Continue reading

Search the Web Better – Be a Google Wizard

My friends call me Oracle. The main reason for this is that I can find information on the web very fast and with great precision and best of all it is easy! You too can become a Google wizard with a few simple keystrokes and these helpful tips. [h]Search Terms[/h] The better your search terms the better your results. I tend to be more specific at first and only if I am not finding the results I’m looking for, then I broaden my search. Use strong specific words that you think the site you will be looking for will have … Continue reading

Picasa2 (part three)

Today, we continue to explore Picasa2. We have discussed how pictures are organized, stored and viewed. Now, let’s take a look at the bottom of the Picasa2 window. Here is where the really cool things are. Once you click on a photo, the toolbar below the preview window becomes active. You will see buttons titled hold, clear, label, star, rotate clockwise and counterclockwise, print, email, collage, hello, blog this!, order prints, and export. On the very left, you’ll see the picture tray, where the pictures you have selected appear as you select them. You can also zoom in and out … Continue reading