Pre-Approval Letter

My husband and I are considering moving to Arizona. We love living in Texas, but there are factors that make a move to Arizona very attractive. That means that we have the arduous chores of selling our house in Texas and buying one in Arizona. The first step on this journey is deciding on an area to shop for a home. Once you know where you want to go you can start looking in earnest at available homes. This is when your eyes can prove to be bigger than your stomach and you might end up looking at homes out … Continue reading

Book Review: Lucy’s Family Tree

Lucy’s Family Tree is the story of Lucy, adopted from Mexico, who believes she cannot do a family tree assignment because her family is too different. Lucy’s parents are understanding, but refuse to write her an excuse not to do the homework, as she at first demands. Lucy wishes she were in a “typical American family”. Her father makes a bet with her: if she can find three truly “typical” American families, he will help her plant the tulip garden she’s been wanting. Lucy lists three of her friends whom she believes are from typical families, as well as three … Continue reading

Where My Compassion for Animals Comes From

I’ve always loved animals ever since I can remember. Most kids start out that way, I guess. They love to go to zoos, watch movies or television shows about animals, or featuring animal characters, etc. But in some the fascination wanes and other things become more interesting. My love for animals remains constant. Not only that, I always stop to help them when I see them in need, too. Just yesterday it happened again. There’s a little dog in the next subdivision over who sometimes gets loose. He’s a friendly little guy whose nametag says “Luke.” I’ve spied Luke wandering … Continue reading

Slippery Elm

Slippery Elm is a species of elm tree found throughout North America from Texas and Florida to North Dakota to the southern parts of Quebec. Also known as Red Elm, Grey Elm, and Moose Elm, this deciduous tree has been used as an herbal remedy for centuries. The inner bark of the Slippery Elm can be ground into a nutrient-rich gruel. With a consistency like oatmeal or porridge, elm gruel is gentle on the digestive tract while still providing the essentials. You can actually survive on only elm gruel for a short period of time… useful knowledge if you’re ever … Continue reading