The Fight Over ‘Intelligent Design’

In Georgia this week, the Cobb Country school board abandoned what had been a 4 year legal battle. The School Board had put stickers in its science books saying, “Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be studied carefully, and critically considered.” The school board agreed to remove the stickers and never to put anything else in their science books which undermined the teaching of evolution. In return, the parents who sued over the stickers dropped their legal action. Interestingly, the school board placed the stickers in the books after a … Continue reading

The Philosophy of Design

A rural California school district withdrew a high school philosophy class which explored religious beliefs of Creationism and Intelligent Design. The “Philosophy of Design” class was withdrawn after a lawsuit was filed by Americans United for Separation of Church and State, a Washington based group representing parents. My point of view as a teacher, Christian, and mother is that Intelligent Design and Creationism should not be taught in a science class. Yes, I believe in a creator. That is my belief. Nothing in science proves or disproves that. But I do believe that students can benefit from the opportunity to … Continue reading