Affordable Valentine’s Day Crafts

Craft projects can really put a dent in your wallet, and with Valentine’s Day just a week away making your own Love Day gifts can really add up. While it cost less to go the homemade route, the key to saving as much money as possible is to stick with projects that feature affordable materials. The following kid-friendly Valentine gift can be made without breaking the bank: PAPER PLATE BEAR Materials: 2 large paper plates 1 snack-sized paper plate Card stock Markers or crayons Scissors Glue Tissue paper Green pipe cleaners Directions: Glue the 2 large paper plates together, to … Continue reading

Simple Sweet Treats for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is about a week away and if you are looking for the perfect treat to take into the office or you need a simple dessert to send to school with your kids, the following recipes are just for you. Both desserts feature the Valentine’s Day ingredient we can’t live without—CHOCOLATE. But, the rich delicious flavors that these recipes impart are not the only reason they are some of my favorites. Making the Oreo Cookie Pudding and the Brownie Extravaganza is a cinch-—perfect for busy moms who only find out their child needs to bring a treat to school … Continue reading

Sexy Valentine’s Gifts for Your Spouse

Valentine’s Day will be here in just two weeks! Are you prepared? Although I have a few ideas, I haven’t narrowed anything down just yet. Of course, the are the standard gift ideas, such as cards, flowers and chocolate treats, but this year why not tell your spouse how much you still desire him or her? Sure, you could go to the local naughty shop and pick out something, but why not find something a little more sophisticated or personal? The following ideas are meant to inspire you. Pick up a couple of your favorite lingerie catalogues filled with stuff … Continue reading

A Different Approach to Valentine’s Day

‘Valentine’s Day is every day, or it should be.’ That’s what my darling husband said when I told him the title of my yesterday’s blog. You see, he agrees with me in thinking Valentines Day is overrated. He also believes, as I do, there’s no point making a big fuss over your spouse on that one day of the year if you’re not going to keep it up every day of every year. Okay, so you may not be able to afford gifts every day of the year, (and neither should you have to) but you can still show by … Continue reading

What is the Big Deal about Valentine’s Day?

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. The shops have stacks of cards and heart shaped decorations out. Yet in a recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald the marketing director of Hallmark, Amanda Del Prete, said, ‘We have had some women say if they want to get an anniversary card from their husband, they have to buy it themselves and give it to them. I think a few people have slipped their husbands some Valentine’s cards as well.’ Doesn’t that defeat the purpose? If he can’t be bothered or forgets or isn’t interested in buying a card, then what’s the point? … Continue reading

Get Started on the Appreciation Box for Valentine’s Day

Happy New Year! In 2009 you can vow to better appreciate your spouse. Here is one idea that I adapted from a parenting discipline method. it works wonderfully for married couples, too. I call it the appreciation box. As you are cleaning up from the holidays, packing away the decorations and gathering up all of the wrapping for the recycling pile, pick out a small box to save. It could be a shoe box or even a square tissue box. Take this box and decorate it for Valentine’s Day. Label it “The Appreciation Box.” Yes, I know we have another … Continue reading

Choosing a Wedding Date

What made you choose your wedding date? Did that date have special meaning for you or was it a case of what was available? Does the date matter? For us, it was a date already meaningful. It was a date I already had inscribed on one ring -the friendship ring Mick gave me. Exactly two years to the date and as close as we could get it to the hour and minute that Mick put my engraved friendship ring on my right hand, he was putting my wedding ring on the left ring finger of my left hand. It was … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for February 11-17

Due to the observance of a major love holiday last week, the main focus of many articles in Marriage revolved around that. Here’s how Lyn and I covered all things Valentine’s Day and beyond. Monday, February 11 I wondered what mattered more to you with rings, quality or quantity. Lyn observed the kind of realms talk show and relationships spark around Valentine’s Day. Tuesday, February 12 I listed places for the romantically challenged to find online help. Lyn reflected on how some people just need somebody because they can’t stand being single. Wednesday, February 13 I weighed in with Rule … Continue reading

Keeping the happily ever after.

Valentine’s Day is the day for letting the one you love, know how you feel about them. But it shouldn’t just be on Valentine’s Day. My husband and I have been married for more than two thirds of our lives. Yes, we married young – both under 21. In all that time there has not been a day when he has not told me he loved me and I have not told him I loved him. Sure, we show it by our actions and the things we do, but it’s always nice to hear the words. That’s one way of … Continue reading

How Do You Feel about Valentine’s Day?

Happy Valentine’s Day!! That’s right today is the big day. Many people have anticipated this day for several weeks now. Others have greatly dreaded it. And some feel very indifferent about it. Some cannot wait until it passes while others simply ignore it altogether. Many conversations, commercials, and businesses have lately been directed toward Valentine’s Day. Yesterday, I overheard a few ladies talking about how they do not celebrate Valentine’s Day. They commented on how they feel that the holiday is silly and it is a waste to spend the money on roses and candy and balloons. The ladies I … Continue reading