The Biggest Challenges to Marriage

You may think I’ll bring up the marriage debates, but in my opinion it’s not related to the greatest challenges facing a successful marriage and successful interactions between the couples that are married. The challenges I want to talk about here are the challenges that can leave your relationship precarious and potentially lead to the dissolution of your marriage if you and your spouse aren’t equipped to handle the challenges. I like to call these challenges the final five, because when you and your spouse are capable of overcoming these challenges, then you are usually in a stronger place in … Continue reading

Coping With Job Loss As A Family

In today’s unstable work environment most families will experience a time when a parent loses their job. Many parents do not realize that their fears and insecurity are transferred to their children. As a result their child also experience stress as their sense of security is shaken because of the job loss. It is important that when a parent loses their job that time is taken to explain to the children what has happened, how it will affect them, and what their parents are doing to resolve the issue. Obviously really young children do not need a detailed explanation yet … Continue reading

Five Tips to Prepare for Job Loss

One you are an adult, it is important to have a good job. You plan your budget, your life, and your future around the money that you bring into the home. If you are a single income family job security is even more important. It can be difficult in the business world where there can be sudden down-sizing and thousands of lay-offs. Even if you are offered a compensation package, you may have a difficult time before you find your new job. Here are some tips to prepare for the possible job lay-off. 1) You should have an emergency fund … Continue reading

Preparing for Job Loss

One event that everyone should plan for is a sudden job loss. This could happen for a variety of reasons. You may or may not receive a severance package. You may or may not qualify for unemployment. The average job search takes between three to six months, but depending on your location and your field of work this may take longer. Two weeks after my husband had started a new job, the business burned to the ground. It was a small family owned business, and so they had to lay everyone off until they figured out what to do. We … Continue reading