Your Child Could be BOTH Gifted and Learning Disabled

Is your child bright and intelligent, yet still struggles in school? Are you often amazed at your child’s creativity and talents, but can’t figure out why certain things aren’t getting through academically? It’s not often understood that a person can be both gifted and learning disabled. We assume that a child who is gifted has no learning challenges, and a child with ADHD or a specific learning disability is “slow.” It’s hard to imagine that both conditions could exist at the same time. But they can. The classification is “Gifted and Talented/Learning Disabled” or “GT/LD.” These children require a whole … Continue reading

50 People Who Achieved Greatness Despite Having a Learning Disability

In my research, I often come across names of famous people who had a slow start, or struggled with learning difficulties in their childhoods. The list continues to grow, and I am impressed with how individuals, when given the right support and encouragement, can overcome the odds and achieve greatness. If your child is having difficulties in school or with aspects of learning, be sure to share this list. Let your son or daughter know he or she is not alone, and that early struggles are in no way a prophecy of doom. Maybe he can find a particular name … Continue reading

What is Inclusion

What is Inclusion in regards to the educational classroom? Inclusive education means that all students in a school, mo matter their level of learning, their strengths or weaknesses in any subject area, becomes part of the regular school classroom. All students want to have the feeling they belong or are included in the same activities as their student peers. Students want to be treated the same by their teachers and support staff. Before NCLB or No Child Left Behind, the original policy of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) with its 1997 amendments, made it clear that schools have a … Continue reading