Learn from Dogs

Those of us who are married can learn a lot from dogs. Dog owners know how faithful loyal and loving these four footed friends can be. Their love and loyalty does not depend on what we do for them. They will love us regardless and not hesitate to show it. In the words of John Grogan from Marley and Me ‘A dog doesn’t care ifyou’re rich or poor, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he’ll give you his. How many people can you say that about/? How many people make you feel special, extraordinary?’ Yet shouldn’t that be … Continue reading

Focus on What You Have

In marriage it’s not about what you own, not even sometimes about what you do. It’s about being together and enjoying each other’s company. Since it was a beautiful sunny winter’s day, after lunch yesterday we bundled our little dog into the car and drove to one of the quiet beaches near us. It was not deserted as we’d expected but still only a few groups of people on the beach. Some brave souls were in the water. We were not two of them. We walked along the beach, sat for a while watching the teal water as they waves … Continue reading