Coupons for Brita, Mattel, PediaSure, and More!

Did you know that Target has coupons for more than just groceries? If you check their weekly ad, you can find excellent coupons for items from all over the store (including the grocery section). The current batch of coupons from Target will save you at least $1.00 from each coupon. Ensure has a coupon that will save you $1.25 when you buy any 1 Ensure multi-pack. PediaSure has a coupon that will save you $2.25 when you buy 2 PediaSure products. Market Pantry has a coupon that will save you $2.00 when you buy 2 of the 32 ounce to … Continue reading

Parents of Preschoolers Upset About Dora the Explorer

Although we limit television viewing in our household, I have to admit that there are some shows that make all of our lives easier. For example, if I have a sick preschooler or if I need to keep everyone out of the kitchen for 30 minutes they can do the trick (yes, I feel guilty enough already). Some of the shows that meet our approval include Blues Clues, Sesame Street, Cyber Chase, Between the Lions and Dora the Explorer. My kids have learned some things from watching the shows, and they enjoy them as well. I don’t know if you … Continue reading

It’s a Barbie and Bratz Smackdown

It seemed inevitable that the two toy titans would clash. No, I don’t mean Superman and Batman, but Barbie and those annoying Bratz! And, millions of hard earned consumer dollars are at stake. I just heard of this doll catfight recently, but the trial has been going on for about a month now. Mattel Inc. has brought an infringement case against Bratz manufacturers MGA Entertainment Inc. Mattel claimed that 39 year old Bratz creator, Carter Bryant, created the Bratz dolls and name while still working for them as a Barbie designer. Mattel brought out the big guns to prove their … Continue reading