Concerns of Public Education: Z = Zoning

I have enjoyed addressing the various concerns of public education. However, I am also excited to move on to more issues and topics. This will be my last article on the A to Z concerns of public education. Today, I am ready to address the letter Z. In this blog, I will discuss the letter Z for zoning. Zoning is the assignment of students to specific schools based on location. In some areas students have no option but to attend the school that they are zoned for attending. In other locations students have the freedom to attend other schools but … Continue reading

Concerns of Public Education: Y = Yelling

It has been a couple of days since I addressed my concerns and perks of public education series. There are two letters left to discuss in the alphabet. The letters Y and Z are next on my agenda. A concern for public education is yelling. Throughout my years of teaching I have noticed that adults tend to think that being louder gives them more control. However, I have also discovered that when adults continuously discipline children by using loud voice tones such as yelling, the children simply learn to tune-out the noise. In moments of frustration and feelings of lost … Continue reading

Perks of Public Education: Y = Young Minds

I am down to the last two letters in the perks of public education. Although, I will just be discussing twenty-six of them, teaching is full of many wonderful perks for me. One major perk in teaching public education is the opportunity to work with young minds. The minds of children are so refreshing and pleasant to work with. In most cases, the thoughts of children are pure and untouched by bias, hatred, and worldly issues. It can be a very big eye opener to hear and see how a child’s mind thinks. Children can be very honest and open … Continue reading

Concerns of Public Education: X = Xtended Families

Wow! Again it is very hard to find a word to use that begins with the letter “X”. Therefore, I have once more chosen to use a word that begins with the sound of the word “X”. For my concerns of public education I have chosen xtended (extended) families. Often public education and teachers remain in the old days. We tend to live in the idea that children live with their parents. The word parents, to us, means those who conceived, mom and dad. However, this is no longer true in many cases. We must begin to adjust our thoughts … Continue reading

Perks of Public Education: X = Xtracurricular Activities

Yes, I do actually know that the spelling in the title is wrong. However, there are very few words that begin with the letter “X” that I could use for my series. Therefore, I decided to go with a word that begins with the sounding of the word “X”. So for this article, I chose xtracurricular (extracurricular) activities as a perk for public education. This perk for public education usually takes place outside of the typical school day. Extracurricular activities are activities that are “extra” for education. They are not taught in a classroom as a regular subject during the … Continue reading

Perks of Public Education: W = Worth It Moments

I have talked with many different teachers from many different areas and one thing I have found all teachers have in common. No matter what kind of teacher I spoke with or what grade level he or she taught, each of them could detail a “worth it” moment. As a teacher, it can be very easy to become frustrated or dishearten with your job. There are days that teachers might feel that no one learned or listened to a word that was spoken. There are days when teachers feel that all they have done is fuss and discipline. There are … Continue reading

Concerns of Public Education: W = Wow Factor

Another concern of public education is what I call the “Wow Factor”. The Wow Factor is the amazement or excitement that children now expect with every task that they are given to complete. Many children need a wow factor to interest them in everything and anything that they do. They do not play with toys or games that do not have it. Children no longer play with stuffed animals or toys that do not talk or make noise of some kind. They want games and items that flip, sing, and wow them. The same is expected of teachers and school. … Continue reading

Perks of Public Education: V = Vocational Courses

My perk for public education today begins with the letter V. V for me is for vocational courses. Many high schools now offer vocational courses for students. Elementary school and middle school students usually do not have the opportunity to participate in vocational courses. However for those students in high school, vocational courses are a big perk. Most high school schedules are set up so that students have the opportunity to take elective courses in addition to the required courses. A variety of vocational courses are usually offered. Vocational courses are not required but can they can help students make … Continue reading

Perks of Public Education: U = Uniqueness

Learning and teaching in any form can be very rewarding. However, there are many perks in teaching and learning through public education. Many perks have been addressed thus far. Most public education systems have at least one teacher per grade level. Many schools have three or four teachers per grade level. One great perk of the public education system is the unique style of teaching and learning that the student experiences from have many different educators in his or her education career. When students pass from one teacher to the next, they gain many different experiences. Each teacher has his … Continue reading

Concerns of Public Education: U = Uniforms

Uniform policies are a concern in many school districts. My school system does not require or enforce a school uniform policy. However, we do have a dress code policy. Many districts are concerned about student attire and placing a uniform policy into effect. Some school officials feel that uniforms would cut down on concealed weapons and drugs in the schools, especially in middle school and high school. Others believe that having a school wide dress uniform policy would cut down on social competition among the students. Students could focus more on academics than social status and appearance. However, placing a … Continue reading