She Thinks Her Poop DOES Stink

Back in the pre-solid-food days in my household, poopy diapers were something my husband and I had to check for. If our baby was fussy, we peeked in the side of the leg gussets to check for yellow. If it had been a couple hours since the last diaper change, we peered down the back of the diaper to check for any mess. Sometimes she had poop in her diaper for quite awhile before anyone realized the need for a change. I miss the days when we weren’t sure if a diaper was poopy until we saw the poop with … Continue reading

Ready… Aim… Poop!

“Ready, aim, fire!” I’m convinced that if my daughter could talk, she’d be saying that phrase every time I change her diaper. During her week-long stay in the hospital, she successfully pooped on my mom, my husband, the nurses, and me. She’s a pro at fooling people into thinking she’s done pooping. She’ll let out a bunch of grunts, accomplish a few good poop explosions, and everything will be calm for quite awhile. “Time to change her diaper,” we’d all think. The unsuspecting victim would calmly slide a new diaper underneath her, undo the dirty diaper, and get ready to … Continue reading

There’s Blood In My Daughter’s Poop?

We first noticed that our daughter’s poop looked a little strange when she was two months old. It had taken on sort of a purplish hue. We took her to her pediatrician to test it, and discovered it contained blood. I immediately eliminated dairy and soy from my diet, which helped at first, but the blood came back. Then I did block feeding to correct a possible foremilk/hindmilk imbalance, which helped at first, but the blood came back. Then I tried Dr. Sears’ Elimination Diet. Everything I tried seemed to work at first, but the blood always came back. She … Continue reading

The Poop Problem I Never Expected

Warning: I’m going to talk about poop. Okay, this is nothing new. Courtney and I talk about poop all the time in the Pets Blog. It’s just part of being a pet owner. Now that you’ve been fairly warned… on to the poop! My dog Moose is usually quite the pooper. That dog can squat a good four times per day, if not more. (He’s not quite the level of pooper that my dog Miko used to be — that dog had an uncanny ability to poop one more time than I had bags with me. If I had one, … Continue reading

Guide to Baby Poop

Are you wondering what it means when you find something strange in your baby’s diaper? Here is the scoop on all of that poop. Pay attention to your newborns first few poops. They will look black and tarry. These first bowl movements consist of a substance called meconium. As you baby takes in nutrition, the meconium will clear out of your baby’s system and be replaced by normal stools. This of course raises another question. What do those normal stools look like? If you are breast feeding, your baby’s stools will be a watery yellow, and they will have what … Continue reading

Punishing the Crimes and Misdemeanors of Poop Offenders

Earlier this month Aimee wrote an article entitled The Pick-Up Police. I loved it. Mostly because for a long while now I’ve been experiencing the same frustration in my neighborhood. (Other dog owners not picking up after their dogs.) Another thing I particularly liked in Aimee’s article was her proactive approach for finding ways to encourage people to pick up after their dogs. Some were cheeky suggestions, sure, but then again…she just might be on to something. The one I can’t get out of my mind is her skewer suggestion. “I’ve thought about buying a pack of kebab skewers and … Continue reading

How To Pick the Purrfect Litter Box

I guess I’ve got a bit of a poop theme going this week. Earlier I wrote about the different kind of pooper scoopers, which applied more to the dog walking set of readers. But what if you belong to the cat crowd? Well, I also recently had to buy a new litter box for Tabby. The experience made me realize not all litter boxes are created equal. Your Cat’s Needs Obviously your cat needs a place to “go” when the urge hits, but which box will suit your cat best? Here are some things to consider for their comfort: … Continue reading

Moose’s Newest Bad Habit

Oh… my special boy dog. We’ve been through a lot since we left New Jersey: his late night escape from the hotel room as we drove cross country, an attack at the dog park, learning to slip out of his collar, and getting hit by a car and losing his tail. Now Moose has developed a new bad habit: snacking on animal droppings. Yes, my special boy has started eating poop. MUCH to my dismay and disgust. So why do dogs eat animal droppings? A dog’s taste buds aren’t as sensitive as human taste buds. The smell and the texture … Continue reading

Friday Baby Laughs – Poop in the Tub

Okay, so maybe this one’s a little funnier to read about than to experience on your own. But if you’re a parent then you likely will experience it. Be prepared. Be ready. Be brave. Has this happened to you? You’re giving your baby or toddler a bath. Everything is going well. They’re splish-splashing around. You’ve washed their hair, lathered up their little bodies with your favorite baby soap, and rinsed them off, when all of the sudden you look down and notice something brown and round sitting at the bottom of the tub. You go to reach for it, then … Continue reading