What Does God Want Us to Pray About?

What do you pray about? Do you only pray about the big issues of life? Certainly they are worth praying about, but I believe God is also concerned about the small details of life too. The bible tells us ‘be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God, Philippians 4:6. Yes, I’m back in Philippians again. This book contains so much wisdom. So we should pray about everything – big and little. Have you ever listened to children pray? They will pray about whatever is on their mind. … Continue reading

Praying Over Tasks For The Day

In a study my darling husband and I are working through together, called Proverbs and Parables – 16 studies on God’s wisdom for living by Dee Brestin, it suggested a special daily assignment. This was to ‘each morning prayerfully commit to the Lord your work for the day and let Him direct your thoughts. As he brings various activities to mind, list them on paper. Then let Him show you what you should do first, second etc.’ This is an application of Proverbs 16:3 which says ‘Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established.’ This suggestion … Continue reading

Happy Thanksgiving: Giving Thanks

Well, another year is almost over and we have the opportunity to look back and reflect. We can indulge in wonderful, homemade foods and the company of the people we love. I hope each of you and all the people in your lives has a lovely, joyous Thanksgiving Day tomorrow. Giving Thanks When you get ready to eat dinner, if someone asks you to give thanks, don’t be shy. It’s not as hard to do as you think. Just think of all your blessings and thank your Higher Power for them. Or, if you prefer to keep it short and … Continue reading

Dreams During Pregnancy

Many women experience more frequent dreaming or very vivid dreams during pregnancy. There are a few reasons for this. One is the increase in the levels of the hormone progesterone during pregnancy. Changing hormone levels are responsible for many changes during pregnancy and affect dreams as well. Another reason is that frequent waking during the night to use the bathroom or as a result of other discomforts make it easier to remember your dreams. We all dream every night. However, most of our dreams are forgotten by morning. This is because we often don’t wake during a REM cycle of … Continue reading

The Right Attitude in Each Situation

Last night I was attending a ladies dinner with some ladies from the congregation I attend, as well as ladies from some area congregations. The speaker really hit on some things that I needed to hear. Lately I have been somewhat down on myself and my current situation. Nothing bad has happened in my life to make me feel this way; rather, I have not had the best attitude toward my situation. This is what the speaker spoke on last night. One of the verses the speaker used was Philippians 2:14: “Do all things without grumbling or questioning.” The speaker … Continue reading

God’s Healing Power

When we think of another being healed, a malady or sickness that has passed naturally or with a doctor’s help may come to mind. When some hear of God healing another, they may assume the ailment was less likely to cure on its own; therefore believing the healing is God-given. I believe all healing is given by God. He has designed our bodies in such an amazing way! He has created anti-bodies to attack viruses and has given us skin to protect our organs. He created the ability for our blood to clot (we call scabs “God’s Band-Aids” in our … Continue reading

What We Miss

Sin is such an ugly, terrible part of life. In Romans 3:23 the Bible states that “ . . . all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” It is impossible to escape the temptations of this world. However, no matter how strong a temptation may be, Christians should realize there is always a way out of the situation. “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that … Continue reading