Home Teaching: Beyond the Lessons

Home teaching is an important program in the church. It serves many purposes. One of the most important things it does is provide a support system to the families in the ward. If there is a single mother or an older widow, the home teachers may be needed to help with more tasks. It is important that everyone works together to support and bolster the home teaching program. Here are some duties that will extend beyond visiting and teaching the lessons each month. Home teachers should be available to assist in priesthood blessings when needed. This should be the first … Continue reading

Gospel Questions: Do Mormons Think They Have the Only True Church?

I do like to ask and answer the hard questions, don’t I? Well, this one is definitely a hotbed of debate. One of the concerns that people of other religions have about the LDS Church is that we seem to think we’re the only true church. Let me shed just a little more light on this. When Jesus Christ was on the earth, He set up His church the way He wanted it to be run. He had apostles, prophets, ordinances, the sacrament, priesthood authority, and He showed His disciples how to use all of them. When He died, and … Continue reading

Gospel Questions: What is the Woman’s Place in the LDS Church?

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the righteous men are given the gift of the Priesthood. This means that they are able to give blessings to heal the sick, to bless the sacrament, and in other ways to use a small portion of God’s power for the benefit of their families and those around them. Because this gift is given to the men and not the women, some have questioned the woman’s place within the LDS church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints reveres women. Each of the prophets has paid homage to women, to … Continue reading

General Conference: “The Priesthood–A Sacred Gift”

In his talk, “The Priesthood—A Sacred Gift,” President Thomas S. Monson speaks about the importance of living worthy of the priesthood. He points out the number of men who hold the priesthood compared to the number of people in the world. He reminds the men that the priesthood is the power of God and that they need to live worthy of it. He warns that the world has many things in it that entice people away from righteous living. President Monson goes on to say that it is important to have courage. It is the courage to do what is … Continue reading

General Conference: “Message to My Grandsons”

In his talk “Message to My Grandsons” President Faust addresses all of the Priesthood brethren, as though they were members of his family. President Faust begins by emphasizing just how special the gift of the priesthood is. He shares the story of a young Priest, and the first time that he ordained someone to be a teacher. The young man’s testimony grew as a result of that experience. President Faust emphasizes that the priesthood is the authority to act in God’s name. He points out the importance of taking this seriously. He goes on to speak about the importance of … Continue reading

Home Teaching

The home teaching program is a wonderful blessing to the members of the church. It blesses those in need, and it gives others a chance to serve. It helps to build relationships between the different families in the ward. It also helps to address the needs of each family in the ward. Every member is assigned a set of home teachers. Home teachers should come and visit with your family once a month. They will provide a short message, which is usually based on the home teaching message in each month’s “Ensign.” Home teachers are also available to come in … Continue reading

The Blessings of the Priesthood

I have been blessed to always live in a home that has had the Priesthood. I think when I was in college I learned how much blessed I was to grow up in the home that I did. I also learned that the Priesthood is available to everyone. The church has set up the home teaching program as a way to make the Priesthood available to all. If you are single, or your husband is not a member you can call and ask your home teacher for a blessing. Recently my husband called and asked for a blessing. It was … Continue reading

Young Men: Offices of the Aaronic Priesthood

When your boys turn twelve, the will join the Aaronic Priesthood. It is important to realize that as they receive the Aaronic priesthood, they receive a greater responsibility and accountability. Young men will advance through the offices of the Aaronic Priesthood as they grow older and remain worthy of holding the Priesthood. There are three offices of the Aaronic Priesthood. The first office of the Aaronic Priesthood is that of deacon. A deacon helps to collect fast offerings. A deacon also helps to pass the Sacrament to the congregation on Sundays. Deacons need to treat these responsibilities seriously. They should … Continue reading

General Conference: “He Trusts Us!”

In his talk “He Trusts Us!” Elder Stanley G Ellis speaks about the trust that God has for each of man who holds the Priesthood. He points out that the Priesthood is the power and authority to act in God’s name. Elder Ellis begins his talk by sharing an experience he had as he prepared to serve as a mission president. He and his wife felt prompted to keep their home and business, in order to leave the country, they needed to assign someone power of attorney over their possessions. This was a difficult decision to make because the person … Continue reading

General Conference: “Let Us Be Men”

In his talk “Let Us Be Men” Elder D Todd Christofferson speaks of the importance of embracing the responsibilities of the priesthood and of life. He opens the story by sharing the story of his father sacrificing lunches for a year so that he could save enough money to buy his wife a machine to help her do the ironing. She had cancer and the surgery she underwent made if very painful to complete the ironing. Elder Christofferson points out that this sacrifice was the embodiment being a true man. He then goes on to share the admonition of Lehi … Continue reading