Roses are Red

Roses are red, yellow, pink, white and a dozen other colors. Roses are grown in hot houses, in plant pots and in gardens. Roses are romantic and ideal and as I mentioned yesterday, something I always wanted to do. There’s a great channel on the satellite and cable programs called HGTV and I went there for some help with what to plant and how to care for it. From a rose expert named Norma Booty, I learned the following: When you’re just starting out to grow roses, you want to choose shrub roses. They work well in a wide variety … Continue reading

Gardening For Dummies

Yep, you read it here. Welcome to Gardening for Dummies. Yes, I know that’s a copyrighted book title. I own it – the book, not the copyright. You see, the book was written for people like. People who would LOVE to have that beautiful landscaped garden and are absolutely clueless on how to get one. I was just discussing the need to get outside over in the Fitness blog where I normally write and as I need to get outside, one of my goals for this spring is to clear, plant and cultivate a garden. I had a modicum of … Continue reading

A Valentine’s Day Gift and Something for the Yard

Pssssstttt…. Husbands… Here’s a great idea for a Valentine’s Day gift that your wife will enjoy for months to come. This year, instead of purchasing a bouquet of flowers that will soon be nothing more than a memory, consider choosing miniature rosebushes for Valentine’s Day. Not only will your wife enjoy the fragrant blooms now, and until it’s time to plant them in the spring, she’ll also have roses all summer long. Choose a continuously blooming rosebush, so your wife can enjoy them indoors until spring and then outdoors throughout the summer. These rosebushes already have flowers on them and … Continue reading