Keeping Toddler Toys Clean

We all know that toddlers can be very messy. They are just learning to do so many new things. They haven’t quite mastered coordination yet. They are too busy to slow down and “be careful.” So, accidents will happen. With toys, the possibility of acquiring germs is probably limitless. Toddlers may still put toys in their mouths. They certainly have plenty of germs on their hands. Even if their hands are washed frequently, toddlers check out most everything with their hands. They also wipe their nose, pet the dog, pick up trash and then go right back to playing with … Continue reading

Planning for Your Family’s Sanitation Needs

One contingency that is important to plan for in your emergency kit is your family’s sanitation needs. I have seen several emergency lists that contain toilet paper, but no plans beyond that. You will need to take into account the different situations that you may be in and plan accordingly. After most emergencies your plumbing should still be working, though you may need to store water to flush the commode. There are times when the plumbing may not be working, such as after an earthquake, or you may be roughing it with your family. It is important to take the … Continue reading