You Know Your Spouse Loves You When…

Elizabeth Barrett Browning once started off a sonnet with what has perhaps become a bit of a cliched saying: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Have you ever tried to count the ways you love your spouse? Once upon a blog I wrote about something Wayne did for me that showed me he loved me, and then Jade asked: But what do you do to show him? So I answered that with another blog. While that was sort of counting the ways he loves me and I love him, lately my heart’s been waxing romantic about … Continue reading

Spouses Behaving Badly

What would you do if your spouse talked and laughed about you behind your back? Or didn’t stick up for you when someone made an unkind remark about them? Or ran to save only him or herself without consideration for your safety when danger loomed? Sadly, my marriage has encountered all of these situations. Behind My Back In our early years, back when we were still dating and not even living together, Wayne had some friends who could be rather lewd and obnoxious. One day when we weren’t getting along very well (which happened more than I care to admit … Continue reading

Spouses and Past Lives

What do you think about past lives? Do you believe in them? Do you ever wonder if you lived one and who you were or what you did? Once upon another blog, I half-joked that I thought I’d been a mommy to a gaggle of kids in my past lives and that’s why I don’t want kids now. Wayne used to laugh when I suggested such a thing, but not anymore. Civil War Unease This past weekend we decided to do something we’ve been doing more and more lately: take a little road trip. We set our sites on Stones … Continue reading

What Would You Force Your Spouse To Do?

I know the word “force” seems a little strong, and generally speaking in a healthy marriage you’d never think of “forcing” your spouse to do anything, but there could come a time when force is needed. For instance, say your spouse was witness to some injustice, either at work or on the streets, but they were afraid of speaking up. You know speaking up’s the right thing to do, but you can’t seem to convince them. Until you get the bright idea to force them to, either by driving them to the police station or setting up a meeting with … Continue reading

How Well Do You Know Your Spouse? – A Quiz

I’m back with some more questions that’ll let you test how well you know your spouse. See how many of these you know right off the top of your head. And for those you don’t…“You’re welcome.” What’s that about? Because I just gave you something to talk to your spouse about this weekend. The Spouse Quiz 1. Do you know if they have a favorite color? If you answered yes, do you know what it is? 2. When was the last time your spouse ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? (Do they even like them? I always forget Wayne doesn’t…until … Continue reading

Do You Love Your Spouse or Their Salary?

The other day Wayne and I got to talking about marriage, money, and respect. We’ve both known several people who divorced their spouses once they started bringing home the bigger paycheck. Specifically, women who divorced their husbands because they earned more than he did. “It has to do with respect,” Wayne said when we were talking about a particular friend. “She never had much respect for him to begin with. So once she started earning more, she lost what little she’d had.” “That’s pathetic!” I said. “If I ever made more than you it wouldn’t change how I felt about … Continue reading

Spouses and Differing Spiritual Wavelengths

Sometimes you go on a spiritual quest that your spouse supports, sometimes you don’t. Sometimes you’re in the same spiritual boat as your spouse, sometimes you’re not. Because of the big changes our marriage has incurred recently due to my mom moving in with us, lately Wayne and I have been having a lot of discussions about my spiritual beliefs. Why just mine? Because Wayne has fewer than I do. Also, mine tend to guide my decisions, and Wayne doesn’t always agree with the decisions I make. (i.e. If you read my article in which I examined control issues, interpret … Continue reading

Can You Answer These 15 Questions About Your Significant Other?

Recently my friend Brenda sent me one of those “Getting to Know Your Friends” questionnaires. Do you know what I’m talking about? The ones with a bunch of questions you’re supposed to answer about yourself and then send them to everyone you know. Some questions may seem really generic at first glance (like what’s your favorite color, foods, or movies), but sometimes we don’t know the answers. Or have forgotten. It’s fun to see how our friends answer. If we’re astute, we learn something. (In Brenda’s case I’m always reminded what a witty sense of humor she has.) But my … Continue reading

Spouses and Psychic Connections – Part II

In Part I, I told you about the connection I share with Wayne. I wrote about a vision I’d had of a rollover while waiting for him one night, and how I later found out he had been involved in a rollover. Or at least involved with a rollover. Here’s another scenario where our connection fired up. But this time it was a physical pain, not a vision, that linked us. The Aching Toe One summer when we lived in Florida I bought Wayne a surfboard. But he met with catastrophe on his maiden voyage. He took his board out … Continue reading

Do You Share a Psychic Connection with Your Spouse?

Do you know couples who finish each other’s sentences or know what the other’s about to say? Perhaps you do this with your own spouse. Wayne and I do. Frequently. We especially freak each other out about food and restaurants. For instance, say it’s nearing dinner time. Maybe I’ll be craving pizza, which I haven’t mentioned to Wayne, and he’ll say something like, “I’m getting hungry. Want to go to Pizza Hut?” It’s freaky when it happens, and for as long as I can remember we’ve been doing it. But that’s because we’ve been together awhile. I don’t know if … Continue reading