Primary Time: Assigning Talks

Children need to be given the chance to speak in Primary. These talks help the children become comfortable speaking in front of others. It really can prepare them for giving talks in Sacrament meeting and teaching lessons at church. One of the key points of having successful talks, prayers and scripture sharing is good communication with the parents. Here are a few tips to make it work better. 1) There are several different ways to assign talks. You may assign them on a rotating basis or you may have the names drawn out of a hat. You may assign a … Continue reading

Speaking in Primary

Okay, your child has been asked to give a talk in Primary, now what? Depending on the age of your child I am sure there are several different thoughts going through your head. If you have an exceptionally young child, you may just be hoping that they will say anything. If you have an older child you may be thinking of what you can do to help him prepare for his talk. My daughter is not a shy child, and she seems to glow in the spotlight. She loves to give prayers, and she was given extra lines in the … Continue reading

Speaking in Sacrament Meeting

At one time or another we will all be asked to speak in Sacrament meeting. I’ve found that there are two schools of thought on the matter: either you run screaming when asked to give a talk, or you are the kind of person that actually enjoys standing in front of all those people. Maybe you’re a little bit of both, depending on the topic. But when it comes down to it, we are all faced with the same dilemma: What to talk about? If you are lucky you are given a topic to prepare on. At least I feel … Continue reading