Controversial Sex Ed Curriculum in New York

There is a controversy in New York schools concerning a sex education curriculum that students will be introduced to. One of the resources that students in school will be directed to is a website called “Go Ask Alice.” Of course, I invite you to check it out for yourself but I can tell you that it’s certainly not something I would provide my children with. If you click on the tab “Sexuality,” you get this red box that provides a snapshot of what you are about to link to. It reads: “Learn the A-B-Cs of S-E-X: abstinence, boners & clitorises.” … Continue reading

Taking Abstinence Too Far?

The other day Jade sent me a link to a Chicago Tribune story titled “Practicing abstinence, bride and groom have never kissed” by Vikki Ortiz. It was about a couple, 30-year-old Claudaniel Fabien and his 28-year-old bride Melody LaLuz, who decided to abstain not only from sex before marriage, but from even kissing on the lips. Jade’s subject line when she sent the link read “Good luck with this one.” I’m surprised she didn’t say “Have fun with this one” or “Can you believe this one?” I’ve had to let it digest for a few days before writing about it. … Continue reading

Research Supports Abstinence Programs

Sex education is a very touchy subject. However, it seems to be the hot topic in the news lately. Not only is sex education controversial in our education system but also in our political system. In addition, it is not limited to the United States. Other countries, such as India, are struggling with battles over if, how, and when to teach sex education. Therefore, I feel that I would be doing viewers a disgrace by not addressing the issues at hand. In a previous article, I suggested that sex education needs a change. Instead of teaching children how to … Continue reading

Studies Show Teens Sexual Behavior Influenced By Media Content

How much does the media influence teens sexual behavior? New studies document the startling results. Why researchers did the study? Approximately 2/3 of television programming contains some sexual material. But studies have not been done “examining the relationships between exposure to sex on TV and adolescent sexual behaviors.” So researches answered the question in two independent studies. RAND, a research corporation, in conjunction with the University of California conducted the first study and the University of North Carolina conducted the second. Who did the researchers study? The researchers surveyed teenagers, ages 12 to 17, about their television viewing habits, sexual … Continue reading

Teaching Teenagers To Be Sexually Abstinent

In today’s society immorality is common. About 60% of teens in the United States are sexually active. About 34% of teenage girls become pregnant. Only half of these girls will graduate from high school. Each year 25 million teens–about 25%–are infected with a STD. According to the book, Sex Love and You, teens that engage in premarital sex are likely to experience fear about pregnancy and STDs, regret, guilt, lowered self-respect, fear of commitment, and depression. As a mother of two daughters and a son I find these statistics terrifying. A study completed by Zogby in 2003 found that 79% … Continue reading