Are You a Velcro Parent?

You may have heard of the “helicopter” parent. They are the type of parent that kind of hovers around their child, almost overly involved in their child’s life. But recently I heard a new term be used, the “Velcro” parent. This parent sticks to their child like Velcro. I was having a conversation with another parent about teens applying for jobs. I had told him a funny story about my oldest son and he made the comment that some teens not only have their parents fill out their job applications but come with them to their job interviews. Now I … Continue reading

Adjusting to Summer Break

This is the first week my children are off from school. My husband also decided to use one of his vacation weeks and well, the problem is that I wasn’t scheduled off. So not only did I have the challenge of getting my children adjusted to things but I had a husband who wanted to spend time together. I know that most people think its no big deal; after all, I have a pretty flexible schedule. The problem is that with the amount of work I have, I am like most others who work full-time jobs. Yes, I have flexibility … Continue reading

Benefits For Children of Divorce

Everyone talks about the negative effects of divorce on children, but what about the positives? There are some, there have to be; otherwise we should all just give up right now! Let’s see, for one thing children of single parent’s learn to be self reliant at a younger age. This is usually the result of having to do for themselves, whether it is getting to school, on time and prepared, or fixing something to eat in the microwave. Our children quickly learn you can’t call Mom at work every time you can’t get the DVD player to work. Also they … Continue reading

Establishing Summer Rules

It was one of those very rare Monday mornings where everyone got out the door on time. Perhaps the motivation lies in just getting this week done and over with, since it is the last week of school for my children. So I took advantage of the leisurely drive to school, before iPods could be stuck in ears, to discuss summer rules. Things got a bit out of hand last summer and I don’t know how it happened. Perhaps it was because I bent on rules to a point where I then lost control. All I know is that for … Continue reading

Fleeting Moments

It’s the final stretch before summer vacation for my children, just one week left and I have mixed feelings. A part of me is ready to get it over with. No more waking kids up early, rushing out the door and making sure things haven’t been forgotten. No more rushing from one school to the next and then back out the door a few hours later to pick up. No more “Have you done your homework yet?” or checking grades online. No more emails to teachers or parent/teacher conferences. But then I think about the fact that it also means … Continue reading

Preparing for Children’s Summer Vacation

When you run a home business and you have children in school, one of the things that you have to prepare for is their summer vacation. And since my children’s summer vacation is less than a month away, I know that I need to get cracking. So what does this mean exactly? Well I think first of all, what it means is sitting down with your kids and having a discussion about some rules and boundaries. Your children need to understand that while a benefit in working from home is your availability to your children, it doesn’t mean that should … Continue reading

Botox Daughter Removed from Home by Social Services

So the other day I blogged about kids getting Botox and I mentioned the interview done with a mom who has been giving her 8-year-old daughter Botox injections. Since then, the child has been taken away by Social Services. Apparently complaints began pouring in, which resulted in an investigation and then a determination that the child should be removed from the home. Now I have a few thoughts on this. First, why would any mother take the chance and put herself out there in the public eye to brag about the act of giving her daughter Botox? You would certainly … Continue reading

Do You Make Excuses for Your Children?

Have you ever known a parent, or perhaps you are this type of parent, who constantly makes excuses for their child? I know I have been guilty of doing this at times. Sometimes it’s the old, “He’s just tired” or “She doesn’t feel well” kind of excuses. But other times it’s someone else’s fault and their child is never to blame. I can’t tell you the number of news stories I have seen where parents have excused, justified or attempted to blame someone else when their child has done something wrong. A fight at school or on the bus, a … Continue reading

Do You Parent Out of Fear?

Do you know someone who parents out of fear? Perhaps you are that type of person. My mother was somewhat like that in her parenting. She would make some of her decisions based on what “might” happen. The world was a dangerous place (which is true to a degree) and so she tried to avoid my becoming a victim. The problem was that she never allowed me to really grow up the way I should have. In fact, when I met my husband I didn’t know how to cook or even how to drive. It took my husband teaching my … Continue reading

Have You Ever Regretted Being a Parent?

Have you ever regretted being a parent? You might be gasping right now at the audacity to ask such a question, but I can’t help it. I saw a Dr. Phil show this past week where a woman felt this way. She said that she felt like running away sometimes and hates being a wife and mom. What are her reasons for such feelings? She doesn’t receive enough help from her husband, who feels that his job is to provide and her job is to take care of the family. Oh by the way, she also worked full-time. I think … Continue reading