What To Do In Case Of A Hotel Fire—Part 2

Have you ever been in a hotel when the fire alarms are going off? (To read what happened to me when a fire alarm went off in my hotel room click here.) Hopefully, your experience was better than mine. If you knew what to do in the emergency I applaud you. If you have no clue what you should do if an ear-piercing wail suddenly drowned out your pay-per-view then read on. The following are a few more tips to help you… just in case. Tip #3—Don’t Panic If you hear an alarm, don’t start running around like a headless … Continue reading

Bedwetting Alarms: Night Five

Night One Night Two Night Three Night Four Last night was night five of our on-going experiment with “curing” the nighttime bedwetting our six year old has had every night of his life. I admit the results, so far, are curious. This is not the first time we’ve tried the “mind over matter” approach to nighttime bedwetting. We’ve tried every motivator in the book – stickers, goals, encouragement, and positive self-talk – the whole she-bang. Nothing ever worked. Our older son who still occasionally wets the bed is 12 and the only thing that ever worked with him was a … Continue reading

Bedwetting Alarms: Night Four

Night One Night Two Night Three Last we left off, our six year old test subject “beat the alarm” two nights in a row by not wetting at all for the first time nights in his entire life but the alarm didn’t even go off despite multiple bedwetting on night three. Our test subject then took the weekend off to spend with his biological Mother and our testing went on hold. Last night we resumed our little experiment. Bedtime was 8pm and we woke the child up at approximately 10pm to use the bathroom. This is much earlier than usual, … Continue reading

Bedwetting Alarms: Night Three

Night One Night Two Last night was night three of our on-going experiment with a bedwetting alarm. Our six-year-old guinea pig was getting a pretty big head about his two day run without accidents! I had a feeling, though, that the run was about to end and it sure did. So, last night we woke him up at 11:30 pm, later than usual. He had not yet wet – great sign! So we escorted him to the potty and back to bed. We had hopes that, since he slept through without wetting from midnight on the previous night, he might … Continue reading

Bedwetting Alarms: Night One

A little history: My husband’s children from a previous marriage are all genetically predisposed to nighttime bedwetting, known technically as nocturnal enuresis. Both of their parents wet the bed throughout childhood and eventually outgrew it during adolescence. It wasn’t a big surprise that two of my husband’s three children wet the bed past the preschool years. Failed Attempts: During our oldest son’s childhood, we tried a variety of different things to help him stay dry at night. We had a full physical done, tested him for juvenile diabetes, took him to a urologist and multiple other doctors for second opinions. … Continue reading