Making Christmas More Joyful for Kids With Special Needs

Many of us look forward to Christmas. Kids that have certain types of special needs might feel left out, or overwhelmed, by the ways that their family celebrates this holiday. Here are some quick tips to help make Christmas more joyful for kids who have special needs. It is a tradition that children write a letter to Santa. Sometimes, Santa answers that letter. When he does, it a note that is written on paper, (and possibly signed by Santa himself). This makes many children happy. However, it leaves out the kids who are blind or who have a vision impairment. … Continue reading

Food Allergies in Babies

A group of allergists recently recommended feeding an infant only breast milk for the first six months to help prevent food allergies. This suggestion comes after a joint research effort from the University of Milan Medical School in Italy and the Adverse Reactions to Foods Committee from the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. If you suffer from allergies, chances are your children will as well. Avoiding regular milk and dairy products during the first six months of life can help infants who are at risk of developing food allergies. The research team said that introducing solid foods in … Continue reading