Genealogy Magazines

There are a number of magazines that are dedicated to helping genealogists further their research. Some magazines are specialized, pertaining to genealogy for a particular location, ethnicity, time period, etc. Other magazines are more general, and can be useful to the majority of genealogists. Listed here are five of the most popular genealogy magazines. Prices listed here are effective as of May 27, 2010, and are subject to change. Family Tree Magazine According to their website, Family Tree Magazine is “American’s #1 family history magazine”. This magazine is perfect for beginning genealogists wanting to learn how to get started. Topics … Continue reading

Breaking Down Genenalogical Walls With Cluster Research

Many genealogists are only interested in researching their direct descendancy, which stands to reason. We often begin genealogy with the hopes of locating our ancestors, and not all the other relatives involved. I also recommend researching this way in the beginning to avoid overwhelming yourself with too many names, dates, and places. However, eventually you will hit a brick wall in your research. To me, this is where genealogy gets really interesting. I love a good mystery! One way to break through these walls is by performing cluster research. This form of research involves looking at the siblings, aunts, uncles, … Continue reading

A Family Tree is More Than a List of Names

A family tree can be a photo of a tree with names printed inside. I believe we’ve all seen those. I once tore one out of a magazine to fill out and keep in my book. The book I am referring to, however, is what I also call my “family tree.” I purchased the book to record information about my ancestors. I call it my “family tree,” but it is actually so much more. It contains names, dates and facts about family members, who lived before me. It also gives details about who my family members were, what they believed … Continue reading

The Importance of a Family Tree

Have you ever wondered why we bother to spend countless hours researching genealogy and filling in the gaps in our family tree? Have you wondered why there are so many books available on the subject? I did. I wondered why it was such a big deal. What difference did it make learning about relatives who died long before I was born? For as long as I can remember, my mother has talked about her family tree. It seemed like at least once a year she would show me the book that she has always kept of historical research on our … Continue reading

First Presidency Message: Treasure of Eternal Value

Our First Presidency Message for the month of April comes from our new prophet, Thomas S. Monson, and is entitled, “Treasure of Eternal Value.” He begins his address by telling us of his boyhood, when he enjoyed reading the book “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson. He also saw adventure movies with lost treasure and listened to radio programs that featured buried gold. All these things were appealing to a young boy. But later, he heard of a different kind of treasure, one spoken of by the Savior in the Sermon on the Mount, a treasure in Heaven that moths … Continue reading

The Wishing Jar — Penelope J. Stokes

It was just a white ceramic jar with a phoenix painted on the side, but the old peddler woman told Gracie Quinn that it was a magic jar, a wishing jar. All she had to do was lift the lid and make a wish, and it would come true. Gracie didn’t believe the fable, but bought the jar anyway. There was something about that beautiful bird that called to her. As Gracie grew older, she passed that jar down to her daughter, who in turn passed it on. Along with the jar came the legend of the phoenix, a mighty … Continue reading

Share Your Family History

Family history has been growing in popularity and chances are many of you have been hit with the genealogy bug: the desire to know more about your ancestors, who they were and the lives that they led. So why not share this information with your children. Give your children a chance to learn of their heritage and the great and not so great things their forbearers did. Start with your child’s or your grandparents. My grandpa died right after I was married and my grandma just after the birth of my second child. My son has faint memories of her … Continue reading

Secret Service Agents, the Titanic and Granny

Okay, I’m having way too much fun sharing the stories of my ancestors. But I had to do it one more time – okay, I’m not going to swear it’s only one more time. However, I want to share the story of my great-grandmother, Maidie Lois Leighton. Now, there are some disputes as to what her birth name actually was, not to mention her birth parents. Let me explain: According to the Parshalls, the people who raised her, her birthday is 17 August, 1892. Granny, (Maidie Lois Leighton) vehemently denied to her dying day, that these were her birth parents. … Continue reading