Flu Kits

With all the talk about swine flu in the news lately, you may have heard mention of a “flu kit” — basically, a bunch of stuff to keep handy in case you come down with some form of influenza. The things in your flu kit can help keep you comfortable while the virus runs its course. So what might you want to put in your flu kit? Medical-Type Stuff A thermometer. Fever may be your most noticeable (and bothersome) flu symptom. Fever/pain medication, like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil). Avoid giving aspirin to children. Tissues. The flu can spread quickly … Continue reading

U.S. Declares Swine Flu a Public Health Emergency

On Sunday, April 26, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Homeland Security declared a public health emergency for swine influenza. This sounds a lot scarier than it actually is. The government declares public health emergencies more often than you’d think — for things like hurricanes, flooding, and even the recent inauguration. Basically, a public health emergency is more like a warning to be prepared, according to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. The CDC has reported twenty cases of swine flu in the United States so far, spread over five states: California Texas Kansas Ohio New York … Continue reading

Swine Flu: Overview

The flu is back in the news lately — specifically an outbreak of swine influenza in Mexico and parts of the United States. What is swine flu? It is a type A influenza virus that infects pigs. In general, swine flu has a high infection rate but a low death rate; it is most commonly seen in late fall and winter (similar to human influenza). Pigs can be infected by other strains of flu — including avian influenza and human influenza. When viruses are passed between different species, they can swap genes — known as reassorting — and create new … Continue reading

Animals Bring Out the True Altruists

Yesterday I was reading a copy of Woman’s World. They always have this “What’s Does X Say about Your Personality?” section. If you’ve never seen it, basically they pose a question and give you five or six options to chose from. For instance, sometimes it’s what does your handwriting say about you? Then you pick which style most closely matches yours. Or which color do you prefer? Again, you pick and read what it says. If You Give Holiday Gifts to Animals… This last one was “What does your holiday gift giving style say about you?” One of the selections … Continue reading

Animals Have Emotions, Too

Some people like to think animals are just animals. They think animals don’t think or feel or have emotions. Oh really? If animals didn’t have emotions, would they take orphaned animals in and nurture them as their own? Even when they’re different species sometimes. Would they cower from thunderstorms or snakes if they didn’t feel fear? Would they mourn the loss of their babies or even their people when they die? Would they show signs of depression? Would they smile when they’re happy? How could they do any of those things if they didn’t have emotions? I get viral emails … Continue reading

Fun Family Events for Animal Lovers

The end of leaf-peeping season is in sight for most families. However, just because the fiery displays of fall foliage are disappearing doesn’t mean you should start hibernating yet. There are a myriad of outdoor adventures waiting for you and your family during these last weeks of fall and several of them feature kid-friendly companions—-animals. Take a look: New Mexico In Taos, New Mexico you and your family can hook up with a group of lovable llamas as you tour the surrounding countryside. The llamas-for-hire come courtesy of Wild Earth Llama Adventures, which pairs each family member with a gear-carrying … Continue reading

Amazing Animal Videos

A while back I wrote about a baby water buffalo who had survived a lion and a crocodile attack –all of which was caught on tape. I was so impressed by that baby water buffalo and his brave herd. (The herd had come back to help save the baby and chased off the lions.) But recently two other amazing animal videos have come to my attention. Dolphins Try to Save Their Own On YouTube there are a ton of dolphin rescue videos. Mostly of people saving dolphins, though. There are a couple of dolphins saving whales, but the other day … Continue reading

Animals with Unusual Aspirations

Every once in a while odd notions pop into my head. (Okay, more than just once in a while.) The past few months, though, I keep having thoughts about animals with unusual aspirations. I’m not sure if they’re potential children’s book titles or just humorous musings meant to poke me when my subconscious thinks I need a laugh. Whatever they are –or may one day become– they make me smile. With all the bad news in the media recently, I thought I’d share them with you in the hopes perhaps they’ll bring a little levity to your life, too. The … Continue reading

Watching the Buzzards and the Bunnies

The other day a horrible thing happened: one of the neighborhood bunnies got hit by a car and died. I didn’t see it happen. It must have happened after my walk with Murph, because I would’ve noticed the bunny body in the road on our way home. As it was, I spotted it from the kitchen window as I was washing dishes. I wasn’t sure it was a bunny at first, though. It could have been a piece of clothing someone lost. But when the first buzzard showed up, I knew it was fresh kill. The Buzzard Brigade At first … Continue reading

Introducing Art to My Little One

Chances are that you are already introducing your baby to art whenever you look at a picture book or name colors and shapes, but why not go a little bit further and expose your toddler to more sophisticated fare. You might be surprised at how much he picks up and understands. I learned this lesson myself earlier today. A new friend invited us to an art program for children at a local museum. The program was geared for children aged three through ten with a parent. My two older children fall within this range and were excited about the prospect … Continue reading